Scribbles 21 from Lytske.


Scribbles 21 from Lytske.
March 16, 1999.

In tenderness I come to you, child, to tell you how much I love you.

Everything about you is known to Me, and now the urge to know more about Me, is growing within you.

Nourish this urge, this feeling, and feed it with your insatiable hunger to know. And, oh so precious is that moment when you come to Me, to find that there is really nothing to know, except for you to be with Me, and then everything else falls into place!

And only this incredible peace remains, together with an overwhelming sensation of love.

Sit in this protective ‘cocoon,’ and know that it is the everywhere Presence of the First Source and Center -- that energy that flows in and around everything, and simply IS.

Know that you can contact It everywhere, for there is nowhere were It is not.

Sit in the Silence and I nourish you beyond expectation.

Come and let us commune . . . silently now.

Be here now.

Lytske: Blessings upon Blessings are mine every day in every way. Thank you God.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.