. . . a tiny Splinter of the Great Creator.


A Thought Adjuster Speaks - # 15

September 13, 2003

The way of learning is by your entering into the Silence within. It is learning to listen to the Still Small Voice - the Voice of your Mystery Monitor.

Oh so patiently have I waited for you to open your inner ears and ‘focus’ them in My direction. Slowly, ever so slowly are you learning to still your mind and close out the noises of the world around you, so you are no longer distracted by them, and only a holy peace remains.

Serenity is beginning to take hold of you and in time, step by tiny step, will you learn to take this serenity with you into the hustle and bustle of daily living.

It represents a gradual remaking of you, as you learn to let go of your tendency for animalistic nervousness and anxiety, and of being ever watchful of events that may transpire.

In time, no more worries about the morrow will trouble you, as you better learn to listen to me, for I AM your sure Guide into eternity. I AM a tiny Splinter of the Great Creator, who has gifted all ‘normal minded’ mortals with the Gifts of Himself, to help guide them on the way Home.

Through self mastery meanwhile, you can become a radiant example of creature oneness with that mighty Gift of the Eternal Creator.

Relax, vessel of My indwelling, for there is no hurry. Until you become so close that My Voice becomes your voice, I will continue to remind you , that I am here. Always here, for you are never without Me.

Remember this more and more clearly.

Not only knowingly, but also experientially.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels