Illawarra District, Australia, July 6, 2007.
Cherubim Frank and Sanobim Alice.
Received by George Barnard.
Alice(tongue in cheek): “I welcome everyone to this group
meeting, and since our human friends are unable to rapidly move through
their space, this is the venue where we have decided to all get together.
This is Sanobim Alice. I will, as usual, leave the lesson to my dear
partner, Frank.”
Frank: “This is Frank, always frank regarding inquiries
about the use of drugs to obtain spiritual experiences. Alice and I
have noted during our lengthy tenure that a large number of individuals,
after having experimented with un-ethical drugs, with psychedelics,
and with whatever else comes into fashion on street corners, will have
. . . ‘experiences,’ and there are even many instances when,
and where, these individuals will then begin to lead a more spiritual
life because of their experiences.
“It is in later years that they often regret that the information
derived, that their lifestyles, their thought-lives, have to some degree
become fashioned around these experiences which are most often neither
totally true, nor full of beauty, love, and goodness.
“We always have advised, and will continue to recommend, that when
you are seeking a more spiritual life, you do so through stilling the
mind in meditation, you do so with visualization, you do so with the
use of your imagination, then count on it, always, that in the end your
imagination will run out, and that you will begin to experience real
truth, real beauty and goodness, and real love.
“Should another now wish to speak I will step aside. This is Frank.”
Samuel: “This is your Teacher Samuel. I would wish to speak
to you about perceptions, the abilities you will inherit in the future;
those things you will at first, largely perceive through universe reflectivity.
“I am, however, suggesting that this receiver is too fatigued at
this late hour. We may carry on with this on another day. Until then,
© 11:11 Progress Group.
The Ego must be honed till it is sharp,
tuned till it rings true, shined till it glows.
Let no one rob you of a balanced ego – Teacher Samuel.