Oakland, California, US of A, October 28,
Divine Mother (Nebadonia).
Received by Donna D’Ingillo.
Divine Mother: “My children! Awaken each day to Me. I am
your Mother and I greet you anew each morning. Before you arise, invite
My breath of life into your body and relax into a flow that will wash
through you to enliven each cell.
“Bringing your mind and body into balance is a reward of your efforts
to grow in Spirit. The various facets of your being converge into a
unified picture evermore each day as you allow My force to move through
you. You are wise to open yourself to Me during the day and to ingest
the fuel you need to meet the challenges of everyday life in a spirit-led
way. Allow Me to refocus you in mind and body.
“Remember it is attitude that colors your behavior; not just your
thought. Remain positive, inquisitive, and hopeful so that the universe
hears your call and responds to your needs. You are becoming more attuned
to the song of the universe and how it speaks to you. Your thought and
feelings open the door, and the heavens respond more than you can imagine!”
Presented to you by the 11:11 Progress
Center for Christ Consciousness.