Michigan, US of A, January 24, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: "Today's message is about meditation (stillness)
and the need for more of you students on the path to discipline yourselves
for regular intervals of contact with your Indwelling. Let this year,
2010, be the capstone year of your dedication and acceleration in spiritual
growth and progress. Do not let fear of failure, or discouraging past
attempts, stop you from the 'doing' of this sacred right of intimacy
with the God within. Let this meditation time be your worship time,
your prayer time, and your quiet time.
"Acknowledge the presence of this Indwelling Spirit often throughout
your day and submit yourself into its care during your stillness practice.
This is your direct line of contact with the Creator, and I want you
to keep in mind that regardless of whether or not you feel any changes
taking place, there are many things that happen in the super-conscious
mind and in the unseen realms that work to bring you one small step
further in perfection attainment. The Father knows what you need and
He wants this special time alone with you. Consistency and persistence
is key, my friends, and the more we 'do' the greater will be the results.
"The results will manifest in many different areas of your life,
not just in the stillness time itself, but in your attitude and in your
dealings with your fellows. This communion with your God Fragment will
smooth the rough edges of your character and will bring into awareness
the values of truth, beauty, and goodness in all things throughout your
life. Your dedication to stillness is the best defense against fear,
which is a spirit poison that can rob you of those divine opportunities
to learn and grow. Be confident in your sonship and with your place
in the family of God.
"Become conscious of yourself as a citizen of the universe who
is alive and participating in creation. Many of you feel as though this
participation is something that starts after life in the flesh, but
know it now that you are a part of the experiential God of supremacy
and these experiences you are having in the time-space worlds are important
to your future path and the paths of others by your influence and contact
within your circles.
"You are dual nature beings, one part spirit and the other part
material. Let us not ignore the part that is spirit and devote more
of our conscious thought to the things of spirit. As more and more men
and women on this world become aware of the other half of their being,
they will also become aware of the fraternity of humanity, and when
this collective consciousness reaches critical mass, life and light
will sweep across this once darkened sphere, which shall ever be the
jewel of the universe.
"Peace to you,
"The Circle of Seven."
© 11:11 Progress Group.
The giving of self, the illumination
of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness." - Teacher Ophelius,