Science and Spirituality—Part Two.


Guernsey, UK, June 30, 2004.

Teacher Armesh.

Received by Helen Whitworth.

Armesh: “There is much more to communicate but I am almost done for tonight.

“I leave you with some thoughts that may assist in your daily work, in treading out the steps for yourselves on the path to full resonance and merge.

“There is much to be said for anecdotal information. It has the heart within it that much channeling can forget—the Human heart.

“After merge unconditional love is expected and natural.

“The moments when humans feel fully human are the moments this unconditional love flows through them. It may be times they see it flowing through others and everyone rejoices. Seeing a small child enchanted by a piece of grass, or saying something of naïve innocence and beauty to their parent. We share a fondness of such moments, making that child a child of all humanity at that point, and people start to see what unconditional love is.

“Sometimes it is hearing of others, who have given their lives willingly in the service of others, and who do not pat themselves on the back, but live with a simple joy of somebody completely fulfilled. It can be the person crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing, who turns to smile at you in thanks and appreciation for who You Are at that point in time.

“You can see these moments of love around you whenever you wish, and you can return them. This in itself is a beautiful gift. Even more beautiful is being that person on the crossing. You light up people’s lives in small ways that makes them feel good.

“It allows them to resonate without having to face the fears they usually face when resonating.

“So many resonate with higher knowledge and close down through fear. They catch a glimpse of who they are at soul level, and they are afraid. They catch a glimpse of those entities like me, assisting in teaching, or of the angels, your friends, all sorts of spirits in the unseen working for the good of mankind. People see these, and fear, and close.

“When the resonance comes from the heart, though, there is little resistance unless somebody is so far gone within their own mire, their own wrappings. Even then the center of themselves resonates, and the wrapper becomes thinner, until one day they can smile again and continue their path of growth.

“The heart truly is the way of bringing dimensions of consciousness, connection and synergy through onto this plane, and its moments can be found wherever there are humans.

“Do not be saddened by the events of this time. Know that many struggle with their own birth. Many do not wish to be birthed, and many may make the choice to die in the womb. Do not judge this. This is for them and them alone to make that choice. You have not made that choice, and I wish to give you reassurance that soon a new light will dawn, and you will see the world again with the curiosity, the fascination, the joy of the young and hopeful.

“Breathe deeply. Ask of yourselves to resonate with all that you are. Ask the resonance to assist in brushing away the dampening forces which you tie to yourselves with much effort, through fear, damping and other negative programs.

“Resonance, remember is your natural state.

“Every morning, breathe in deeply. Ask of your guides whether you see them or not, they are there. Call them to you with simple words, requesting their presence and assistance. Give your appreciation to them, so that they know you trust them and that you truly wish for their existence.

Breathe in deeply and ask assistance to resonate with All that Is. Feel yourself expand, so you feel the edges of the room and beyond. Feel no blocks, no doors, no negativity, and know that resonance is your natural state.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels