Make Your Connections Stronger. |
Tallahassee, Florida, US of A, April 5, 1995. Teacher Ambrose. Received by JoiLin. Ambrose: “If you are ready, let us begin. Today I would like to speak to you on the subject of service. Service is the avenue through which the Will of the Father is expressed, and the medium is Love. “Love, when it is expressed to others through service, is a joy to both the giver and the receiver. Seeking to know the Father’s will is most easily done when the focus is put on others, rather than the self. It is through the gift of loving service that the Father’s will is made manifest. You are His agents, and through you will the Light be brought into this world. “Know that as you reach out to others, the Father reaches out through you. Remember always that the Father can speak through you. His love is alive as it flows through you to your siblings, so be ever mindful of the connection in the ministry you are about. “You have many opportunities to do this for the Father, and at this point in time many of these opportunities go unnoticed by you. Be more vigilant in days to come, as your work is soon to be up-stepped. The spiritual pressure is being increased as the circuits begin to be better established, as more and more connections are being made between people. Seek to make your connections with the Father increasingly stronger, as it is through these connections that your guidance will come. “Enough for this evening, child, for you are weary. I leave you with my love. Shalom.” © 11:11 Progress Group. |