A Lesson On Persistence.


Urantia, May 23, 2005.

A Teacher named “The Beloved One.”

Contributing Receiver.

The Beloved One: “Persistence will bring to completion any job you willingly take upon yourself. Let everything you do be for the highest good, for yourself, and for everyone around you. In this manner, when looking back over your life as your years advance, you shall attain a great measure of satisfaction about a life well lived.

“It is My desire to convey to you in these short lessons such guidelines as will help you achieve this. It is only by the carrying out of daily duties well done that you will achieve a durability; a steadfastness in your character, an indefinable but very present sturdiness, the building of a strong character one can depend upon in hours of crisis and necessity.

“God’s kingdom has a great need of such sturdy workers; those quiet ones, who do not broadcast their good works, but keep to their innermost selves what it is that they must do to advance themselves, to become steadfast believers, thereby also building their trust and their faith.

“Those ones shall build themselves ‘wings of eagles, as they forge their flight to heaven with these faith and trust wings’, to lift themselves high above the humdrum of life. Never mind how sordid may be their surroundings, through persistence in coming within to Me for their daily nourishment, they will learn over time that I am the antidote to depression, and to low self-esteem. I am always ready to hear them out, even as they learn to acquire that measure of Stillness to listen to Me. And so, everything that holds them to the earth plane with all its worries falls away, and so they will then truly feel My loving concern for them. They will feel enlivened to go forth and face the world with a renewed vigor and strength.

“This road is not for the weak, or the ones who easily give up. No, at times this great price of inner peace is, and with great difficulty, to be wrest from the deepest of the deep of existence. To some, born with a fortuitous, greater concentration and focusing ability, this may be easier to achieve. But for those with a more mercurial mind—those who are inclined to hop, skip and jump from one subject to another—this trait of persistence is harder to achieve, and therefore more needful of being exercised.

“You, yourself, know very well, how difficult this road has been for you, to be able to sit still for long enough, and to not have a shopping list of to-do-things in your head. And so, very gradually, you are learning to leave your own thoughts on the ‘backburner’. This has not been an easy chore, but look at the rewards you are reaping even now, rather then having to wait until the next level of existence, at the dissolution of mortal flesh, as, sooner or later, everyone shall learn to converse with their inner Guide with improved consciousness.

“There is great merit in making up your mind to develop persistence and dedication in daily seeking Me in your Stillness. It is the regularity of your turning up for your daily appointment, which finds Me more readily available to you. You know that I am there waiting for you, but you honor Me greatly by waiting for Me. It shows Me that you really think that I am worth it. And why should I not be worth it? I Am, because I Am your Partner, your co-Creator in our life eternal, and the sooner you get to know Me better and trust Me more, the sooner we can begin to, with your greater conscious awareness of Me, start molding you into the priceless being we, together, are to become.

“There will be no replication of us anywhere in the whole wide creation, which was formed, is being formed now, and will be formed in all of the eternal future ages. This is the promise I am holding out to you, that at any time you show a greater readiness therefore, we shall be on our way to become more then you would ever have believed to be possible.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels