Tallahassee, Florida, US of A, September 18, 1993.
Unknown Teacher.
Received by JoiLin.
Teacher: “Your friend was correct in her understanding of the need read many diverse
kinds of books and sources of information. You all are able to grasp the strings of truth and pull them out, discarding
the rest. These strings or pieces of truth, you then incorporate into your center of truth. You add to this center
as often as you make contact with material through which this process can be utilized. This is the working of your
Spirit of Truth on one level. Some people are more aware of this process than others, however, all people have the
ability to do this.
“We would like to address the current beliefs from which your world seems to be suffering. Many believe that
there is widespread hostility, anger, disease, and despair across your land. They believe it is more prevalent than
a widespread belief in a loving or spiritual nature. They are, however, focusing on the negative, they need to learn
to open to the positive. They have what one might call tunnel vision, or the wearing of blinders. They see only
what they are willing to see, or are able to see.
“It is our job to remove these blinders, to remove those things that are an impediment to true sight. You will
all help us to accomplish this, for this is all part of Michael’s plan. You will do this by continuing to do
the work you are currently doing. The real difference is that your eyes are now opened to take in all the opportunities
that are presented to you on the highways and byways of life. You will be teaching this process of opening to the
people you come in contact with. This is a subtle, unfelt process by your brothers and sisters. But understand that
you are making a difference. The world is changing.
“You are becoming aware when you have a small setback. Do not chastise yourselves. You are, after all, only
human. I too was once only human. I understand the need to feel on a physical level, the correction process. This
however, is not necessary. You will make those corrections that are necessary within yourselves. As soon as you
become aware that you have made the correction, continue with the days work. Do not be burdened by feelings of disappointment.
Do not allow the spiritual poisons to infiltrate your system.
“There is no need for the presence of these poisons. You are becoming more spiritual as you walk your individual
paths. Holding fast to old recriminations, or disappointments, slows your progress. It may help you to visualize
this analogy: Liken the physical body to a balloon that has no air within its center. Now put some air in the balloon
and hold the end with your fingers. Some of this air will escape. Then you may blow it up again.
“Eventually, you learn to tie a knot in the end to prevent the air from escaping. However, there will continue
to be some air loss through the very pores of the balloon. You will eventually discover helium, and you practice
with the new balloon, filling it with helium. This is the process that you are going through, for want of a better
“Most of you right now, have at least begun to think of tying the knot. But this is an on-going process, and
it takes patience and work. It takes perseverance. You are all up to the task. But there will be times when you
will lose some air. Allow yourselves this, recognize what happened, then fill yourselves back up and go on. We are
never judgmental of any of these small backward steps. We see with a broader sight. We can see the bigger picture.
To us, your movement is ever forward, ever upward. We are very pleased with your progress. Do not ever feel as if
we pass judgment. You are the only one in control of that process, and you now have the understanding that this
in not conducive to your spiritual growth.
“That is all. Shalom.”
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.
11:11 Angels