Tallahassee, Florida, US of A, November 16, 1993.
Teacher Will.
Received by JoiLin.
Will: “Good morning JoiLin. It is I, Will, your teacher who loves you.
“We have a lesson prepared today, dealing with an individual’s willingness to step out in faith. Michael
taught His apostles to do this by simply sharing something of themselves with those persons they encountered along
the way. They found a common bond with each person that they could then build upon. This common link did not necessarily
have to be spiritual in nature. It might have consisted of a similarity in background, or perhaps common experience
in the workplace, or simply a common life experience.
“The point being that the beginning of the relationship was founded upon this common bond. This same format
may be followed by each of you when you begin to reach out in a personal way to your brothers and sisters. Establish
first this common link and build upon that. Do not expect to convert these individuals to your way of thinking,
but simply look for those things—those positive aspects within their life experience or belief systems—which
you can relate to.
“There will come a time, if the relationship is allowed to expand, when they may begin to recognize that there
is something about you that seems to draw them to you. They may at that time begin to question your belief system.
It is at this time that those seeds, those pearls, may be spoken. Do not push; simply, gently, lay these out before
them. Answer only those questions to which they seek answers. This may then become for them a time of seeking, a
time of changing. And it will have at its root, those efforts engaged in by you; those times you allowed yourself
to open to them in a non-judgmental, non-aggressive fashion.
“This then is the manner in which we would have you step out in faith, and serve your brothers and sisters,
and by so doing serve humanity. Is it not easy to see how this process will help to build the foundation upon which
Michael’s message will stand? It is a cumulative, ever expanding process. Think of someone within your own
life with whom you have contact that instills within you a desire to emulate those actions manifested through the
channel of love. In this same way you will be setting into motion a similar desire to emulate you by those persons
you open yourselves up to in a like fashion. And this, dear students, is my lesson for you today.
“Until next we meet, go with my blessing and continue to expand within your day those times of conscious contact
with the Father within. Shalom.”
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.
11:11 Angels