You And I Are One With The Father.


US of A, November 17, 2005.

Christ Michael.

Contributing Receiver.

Michael: “You can never be apart from Me, or from My love. There is nowhere where I AM not. Our love is endless, eternal, without end, and this is a concept that few manage to grasp.

“You cannot fully fathom love that does not end, because of your lack of patience in extending unconditional love. You quickly tire of anything that seems endless. See how easily you lose patience with uneventful, ordinary days. I do not.

“Ordinary is not a word I hold in My thoughts. I see only beauty, yours, and that of all your brothers’ and sisters’, and I never grow tired or lose patience with the every-day experiences we share.

“Today is not an ordinary day. No! It is a day of very great perfection. When you see all as perfect—all as Father’s Will—you will not perceive anything as ordinary, ever again.

“The days stretch before us as endless examples of His Perfect Will. And each of us shares a part in the perfection of His Plan. We can enter every moment in the joy of knowing that all is well, and it is always well, even when we may perceive some moments as otherwise.

“Do not judge any thing or any one as less than perfect. The countless others with whom we share in numbers beyond the number of the stars above our heads in the evening skies in this endless universe, are all counted as perfect.

“Love makes all things perfect. And no thing, or any one stands outside His Love, for love has no inside or outside. It simply is all encompassing.

“Yes, I use now the analogy of the fish in the seas. You are the fish, whilst He is the sea. You do live and move and breathe and have your being in Him. You can never exit His Love. Never! You and I are one with our Father in that love.

“How can that knowledge, when fully understood, ever leave you again with the mistaken idea of an ordinary day? Enjoy today! Meditate often on Father’s endless, changeless, eternal love.

“I am Michael, and I do go with you for very great good. It is all-good, always. This day is, and all our days are good in God.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels