Everywhere you Look, I AM.


North Yorkshire, UK, November 29, 2005.

Spirit Self (TA).

Received by Helen Whitworth.

Spirit Self: “Follow the yellow brick road, Helen. Follow the path of stars to the dreamtime, and see your own glorious Technicolor visions of a fantasy that might just be reality.

“Who are You? Who Am I? Who are your friends? How does each relate to each other? To the chair? To the mountain? And to the tree?

“For each idea you have there are a thousand others, equally valid, equally true and equally false. What is truth? What is falsehood? What does equality mean? How does each word you use, each word I say, imprint upon your brain? What preconceptions do you have of their meaning? What other meanings may be described by that syntax?

“Grasp for other ways with all your heart, and embrace the one most challenging to come to grips, and peace, with . . . that one, most difficult. Cast aside the ones you a drawn to most easily, for those are your comfort blankets, which give you a sense of security and in time, stunt your growth.

“Everywhere you look, I AM. Everything you hear, I AM. Everything you feel, I AM. Do you truly comprehend the absolute nature of the Father and the infinite potential given to you as a being holding the print of the Father within your very being?

“If you truly comprehended that which I AM, you would not waste one second in finding more of me, of pouring your soul out to be closer to Me, of emptying yourself to become your Master. Yes, I AM your Master, and you, my servant; but such a Master as I wish only willing servants, ones who come to Me from longing, from a wish to partake of the glory, love and joy that I AM.

“Doubt no longer. Act. And be with Me always, (all ways). Expand to My truth, and let yourself soar on unclipped wing . . . to the Son (Sun!) and back. And stand tall.

“Now go eat and drink. Tonight we travel.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels