Arizona, US of A, May 22, 2006.
Christ Michael.
Received by JOYce Brenton.
Michael: “I delight in our daily meetings, My brothers and sisters.
“Today is another beautiful day during which you will face your routine challenges of earthly life. You will
accomplish your daily chores, and you will remember to smile and be kind to one another. You have learned well what
is expected of you, and you are learning what not to do, also. However, there are not a great many rules to memorize.
We are not about establishing another religion.
“There is good in all your various religious philosophies, and yet you must learn one very important fact;
the Father’s Love is not earned by what your religions teach you. Your religions are your choice for living
in your society. Pick the one that gives you personal happiness, and allow all your brothers and sisters to make
their own personal choices in the matter also.
“Do halt the attacks on one another in this area, for freedom of choice is Father’s Will for all His children.
Judge not another’s standards, but take the time you waste in judgment, and put it to better use. Use that
time to improve your own standards.
“These are My Words for today, and they bear remembering. I am your Friend, always, and I truly desire only
the very best for each and every one of you.”
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.
11:11 Angels