Urantia, May 14, 2006.
Divine Self (Thought Adjuster).
Received by Jennifer.
Divine Self: “Where is your treasure? Is it in your heart or is it in the world? Where would you look
for your happiness? Would you look far and wide or would you look within your own heart and mind to find the lover
of all? For within your heart you already have all that you need and want, yet you know it not.
“Consider the heaven you seek to be the home of your soul. Your home is here in your heart with Me. I Am never
far from you. In fact, I Am with you so closely that you are not even aware that I Am here. Listen carefully and
you will hear My bidding, the lonely cry of One who loves and desires you to know Me. I Am your Divine Guide, your
Teacher and Counselor.
“Allow Me to have all of your fears and trials, and I will show you the truth of these things. It is My design
that you should experience doubt so that you may learn faith. It is My desire that you experience hardship so that
you may know joy and comfort. It is My desire that you should experience want so you will know fulfillment.
“Understand that all of these are gifts to you. Allow Me to smooth the rough edges, and take away the pain
of these lessons as you accept them with the true joy of a student that knows that the end result is perfection.
How can you know that the freedom from all pain is bliss if you have never had pain? Allow Me to show you these
things without the rebellion of resistance, the temper tantrums of a child, who resists the will of the parent.
“You have a choice, and the choice is obvious, since it is the only choice that will fulfill you and give you
joy. Do not resist these lessons, My love, and do not feel that you are exempt from feeling pain and sorrow, for
it is in learning of these things that you will find true joy.
“How bittersweet these lessons of life may seem, but once you overcome the fear of the experience, you will
feel the freedom of the knowledge of your true heritage. Knowledge must come through experience. You will know Me
when you experience Me as all that I Am.”
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.
11:11 Angels