Illawarra District, Australia, May 14, 2006.
The Scribe (Sananda).
Secondary Midwayer Beatrice (ABC-3).
Received by George Barnard.
The Scribe: “Despite the name, Sananda, and even the name, Monjoronson, being used by those who have
a project—even a political project of their own, which is somewhat disconcerting at this time—one must
always realize that the Father’s work has a happy and satisfactory ending. This is known, so fear not.
“I am Sananda. I am The Damascus Scribe. For those who are entirely new to the Celestial messages that are
expressed by this (11:11) Progress Group, I am the Divine Fragment, the Thought Adjuster, the Personalized Creator-of-All
Particle, Who served with very many, including the Avatar-Teacher, Machiventa Melchizedek, and The Creator Son,
Michael, Who lived as Joshua ben Joseph upon this planet Earth.
“I address you now. I address this tiny group of humans and Destiny Guardians, and coincidentally, I address
thousands of others, millions in the years to come. You, My beloveds, are now on hallowed ground.
“To the ones of my intended communication, these are reminders that things to do with your personal lives,
things to do with the ‘business for Michael’, and things of various incidental natures, I now remind you
of, are important to be proceeded with.
“As a Personalized Adjuster, I have all time and eternity at my disposal. As a human of evolutionary existence
still, you have limited time in which to see through the by-you-contracted duties of your realm. I love you, and
I greet you, and I now stand aside for another.”
Beatrice: “This, my dear brother in Christ, is the one you asked for to address you. This is Secondary
Midwayer Chief, Beatrice. It is I who long ago spent many a year with our common friend, Dante Alighieri, who is
well aware of further rapid progress on his beloved planet, and who sends his greetings to all those in attendance
“For me the simple task of assuring you that those infants that leave your physical realm at an early age,
long before their valued Thought Adjuster Indwellers would arrive, are adequately cared for, and will in their future
enjoy many embraces by their earthly parents as they are awakened from a long-time slumber. It is satisfying for
one to read of such rules and universal laws regarding the little ones. I hope and trust that it is reassuring to
hear the same from me. There must be no concern for the little one just handed over from human care. All is well.
Let the parents brush aside all fears of having lost their offspring for good.
“I am Secondary Midwayer Beatrice. My message to you may appear halted, and indeed this is understandable,
for I am presently with many (chatting) students who are tuning in from great distances, separated from both you
and me, yet we are capable of communication through a valued, adopted cousin, Mathew. My love goes out to you, and
all who will embrace my message. I am ABC-3, Beatrice.”
George: “Thank you, dear lady.”
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.
11:11 Angels