Oakland, California, US of A, June 4, 2006.
Divine Father (Christ Michael).
Received by Donna D’Ingillo.
Divine Father: “Open your heart to me, my child, and sit in the beauty of my love for you. This is your Father;
I am Michael, and I bid you greetings from the heavens. One day soon the veil between the worlds will be lifted
and you will know your rightful place in the universe. The time is growing shorter when the separation between heaven
and earth will no longer be in place, and the glory that has been shrouded in secrecy, lies, greed and blatant deception
will blaze in the hearts of all humanity. This is my promise to you, little one, so patiently awaiting the time
of your soul’s liberation.
“You can participate with me now in your soul’s liberation by opening your heart through your desire for
heaven and earth to conjoin. This is a heart-felt action that you can take at any moment’s notice; one that
will give you a feeling of powerfulness and create new possibilities of self-actualization within your mind and
body. As more spiritual power and might pours over the earth, will you come to more perceptibly feel the truth in
these words and more enthusiastically allow them to actually be the food that nourishes your soul.
“Place no thought of doubt or worry into the events that you see unfolding before your eyes; that there is
no higher authority acting. I have made promises and commitments to this world, and you can trust that all things
are working toward the evolution of this world to join the greater cosmic family. Trust in this alone, my child,
and feel your desire for this to come about with glorious love. Allow the deepest desires of your heart for the
healing of all life on this world to occur, and you shall be adding your personal energy into the collective transformational
force that is catalyzing these changes.
“Together, you and I, universe child and Father, are building peace on earth. In time all of this will come
to pass, and you will be delighted that you have participated in the most stupendous event this world has seen!”
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.
11:11 Angels