Oakland, California, US of A, September 10, 2006.
Divine Mother (Nebadonia).
Received by Donna D’Ingillo.
Divine Mother: “Beloved children, I am your Mother, and you are growing in Me. My womb is the home you
will be living in for quite some time, so I ask you to grow comfortable there, so I can make you more of who you
truly are!
“In these days of change on your planet, know that you are indeed changing in Me -- changing for the better.
And as the human baby needs time to grow in her mother’s womb, so do you need time to grow in My womb, until
you are ready to be birthed as a lovely and fragrant universe citizen, who is self-aware and self-responsible, and
responsive to your privileges and responsibilities of universe life.
“Be patient! Be peaceful as you lie in Me. Envision yourself as a babe wrapped in golden threads of love energy,
spinning in you a new life form that is capable of attracting all good to you. Savor the sweet softness of your
home in Me, while you await the time of your birth.
“As you lie in Me, feel your desire for your true soul self to grow strong and lead you into life’s experiences
to show to yourself and others how a spirit-led person lives. By this lying and living; receiving and giving, you
are responding to the rhythms of the universe, My rhythms; the rhythms of Love itself. You are becoming Love itself.”
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.
11:11 Angels