Washington, US of A, October 30, 2006.
Teacher: I Am.
Received by Sunday Rain.
I Am: “Gently flow the winds of love, carrying in each breath the promise of a newly lit morning song;
a song that sweeps through and around the underbrush of your opening heart.
“Take the portal of time which serves to lend to the All under the bright morning Sun.
“Lend your Soul. Lend your waking eyes, and see the radiating warm gift of life seep through the broken heart,
filling the cracks with heavenly smiles, full and complete.
“Lift your heart and follow it blindly. I will show you what to do, and you will know it, for your faith will
fall into remembering once again, and how good it feels to be at peace with yourself and all around you.
“I comfort you because I love you. I know your tasks are difficult and tiresome, but this is only part of the
stretching of time that you need to truly understand how very important the journey you bear is. Growing up and
being strong, and getting stronger, and clearer about what precious love is really all about.
“Hold your hands together and feel my pulsating wholeness regenerate you. I Am the natural vitamin with all
the resource you will ever need. Stay a while with me until you feel better and more whole. And then continue to
call on me all through your days, and all through your moments.
“We are truly One.”
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.
11:11 Angels