I Seek Your Hand In Mine.


Arizona, US of A, November 22, 2006.
Christ Michael.
Received by JOYce Brenton.

Michael: “I want to be in partnership with you, My beloveds. I have never wanted anything less than a full and loving, soul consuming companionship with each and every one of My most beloved brothers and sisters.

“I seek your hand in Mine each day. You open your eyes to find Me waiting, eager to walk the path, our hearts and minds co-joined in perfect synchrony to our Beloved Father’s Will.

“Your presence abiding in our partnership blesses Me in words beyond the love words of your grandest poets. Your finest symphony orchestrations fail to catch even a glimmer of My Heart’s rapturous song over our beloved union.

“If only you could see My Love for you. Ah, but its brilliance visually manifested would blind the eyes in human form!

“My Love is like no other. You know that now, but still I joy in telling you. We have eternity to share your growing comprehension of the true magnificence of our eternal Love.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels