Washington State, US of A. March 3, 2007.
Teacher: I Am.
Received by Sunday Rain.
I Am: “It is time for the soul to come to fruition. God’s
Love is raining down upon you, calling you through the whispers in your
heart, and you now know what you want to do. You want to follow My voice.
You want to become Love. You want to be able, and fit. You want to heal
the children’s sorrow through a touch, a smile, a thought. You
want to feel Me in your heart, and never let go.
“Your soul cries to be free! You don’t wish to waste another
minute on a fool’s journey, whose road leads to disappointment
and self insult. You are tired and worn out child, and have come to
find Me caressing you in the darkness, and have ‘shined’ the
tears of joy, relief, and gratefulness.
“And as well, you have felt the suffering cries of a world in utter
disharmony. You wish to do something about it, and have come to realize
that there is truly no other way to help, but to come to Love. Yes,
to come to Love and allow it to flower in your heart, releasing your
soul to My beautiful tender Love at last!
“Let us work hard at rising to Love’s occasion, moment by
moment, with a truer sense of completeness and confidence. All is here
waiting for you! Open your eyes! Open your heart! Open your ears! I
love you!”
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.