Washington State, US of A, April 17, 2007.
Teacher: I Am.
Received by Sunday Rain.
I Am: “Time is ticking away. Where will you begin? A great
love does await you. I have not forgotten you, and I am ready to take
upon Me your ills. Let your heart become warm as you take this time
to remember Me.
“I Am your eternal Friend, and I Am always here sending loving
impulses from your very core -- that place which shows you the way,
and the place from where all life flows. You need only to talk to Me,
and I will answer. And you need only to keep talking to Me, and I will
keep sending you the love you seek. You and I are one, child, and One
we are!
“In this world where mankind too often settles himself into bandying
about the spiritual bush, you need only to know Me, and all debating
is over. So natural is love. Does water rain down from the sky, and
are not the mountaintops filled with fresh springs? Do all the creatures,
large, down to the very smallest of small ever question life? Or do
they exist within a perpetual knowing, a perpetual intuitiveness, a
perpetual deep and humbling respect for life as it is? So also do you
have the same natural knowing built into you, and along with that knowing
comes the acceptance of love in all her many colors.
“I suggest that you clean away the mud, and remove the motes from
your own eyes in order that you may see, and feel, and breathe this
life in for all she has to offer you, and for all she has to teach you,
ever so naturally, ever so humbly, and ever so lovingly.”
© 11:11 Progress Group.
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