Arizona, US of A, January 11, 2007.
Christ Michael.
Received by JOYce Brenton.
Michael: “My beloveds, today I wish to discuss a totally
useless habit that so many of our Father’s beloved children developed
in early childhood. If you are habituating self-doubt, then you are
not fully accepting the limitless Presence of our Beloved Father in
each and every one of His most beloved children.
“I am sure you never looked at self-doubt as a form of negation
to His Presence.
“If you say phrases like ‘I can’t,’ or ‘I don’t
think I am capable,’ you are expressing self-doubt and for the
most part the expressions themselves are merely habits. Look deeply
into the habits of so many of your thoughtless expressions.
“Our Father’s Presence in each of you is real. And His Presence
is limitless in its ability for the highest good in every circumstance.
Somewhere in your earthly careers, putting away self-doubt as an unnecessary
habit is the better part of common sense.
“The negative feeling of self-doubt is a mindless delusion, simply
habituated without the understanding of the truth. You can do all things
through His strength in you. You are capable!
“Put this habit away like an old garment two sizes to small that
you know you will never need again.”
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.
Joyce’s Book, “The Mind of Christ”
can be found on:
and click on ‘The Mind of Christ, order info’.