Washington, US of A, May 20, 2007.
Teacher: I Am.
Receiver: Sunday Rain.
I Am: “In the great sense of wonder of all things is found
much truth, and a bounty of love to warm your soul.
“From whence you came, you shall return, and all of your life will
be counted amongst the humble glories in heaven. Who are you, dear child,
really? Are you not a song in the making, a truth in the waking? A reverent
little human bird full of complexities, yet ready to toss them all away,
for a chance to fly free in the face of the Sun? Yes!
“All it takes is a ton of Love, devotion and character of heart.
And you can do that! Just first be willing to look, then see, and then
have faith in the unseen possibilities of love. And there is always
another welcoming door to open, so get used to it.
“I know you face difficult challenges every day, and some seemingly
impossible tasks, yet the chance to learn how to love, to really love,
is the stock in the soup you are all making together.
“And oh, what a Glory is Love transcended! It is in the simple
things that we find true awakening -- in this little moment -- right
now. Listen to the heart in all things and stretch your wings!”
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.