A Mighty Task.


Illawarra District, Australia, July 1, 2007.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu.
Received by George Barnard.

Chief Bzutu: “You are real in your time-space locality. We, your Secondary Midwayer friends, are real in our Midway realm, which is our time-locality yet it is real, although we are less dependent on time. And so, the time-space localities go on, and on, and on, and beings are situated in these localities until you get to Paradise, where time altogether ceases to be of any importance whatever.

“You are real. You are not an illusion. We are real. We are not an illusion, and so your Angels and Guardians and Teachers occupy the various localities in time, and they are just as real as you are, just as real as is Paradise. We are not an illusion to you, and you are not an illusion to us. In our realness we have a function, and, in the end analysis, our function is that of the intermediaries between the Creator of All and you -- considered to be the lowest of all His thinking creatures.

“We have a mighty task on our hands. We decry the fact that so many of you are prompted with our trade-mark 11:11 time prompts, and that you will not heed our call to, individually, yes, you and you and you, make contact with us in the best way you can. We reach towards you. We reach out for you. We consider you to be our beloved children, our charges, and we do so enjoy your heeding our call when you do. For those of you who are experienced in communicating with us, we ask of you that you promote the text that will give, what one might call, the left-brain basis for overall spiritual growth.

“It is a lazy man’s student and a lazy man’s teacher, respectively, who will ask individual questions and give individual answers when there is so much knowledge gathered in your text. This is the end of my short, general lesson. I shall now address one person in particular.

“We do not have a universe. We have a universe of countless universes. Michael, Jesus, is the Creator Father’s only begotten Son, but only in the sense that there is not another quite like Him. He and his all-time consort, Nebadonia, created the universe of Nebadon, of which your inhabited planet is but a minute speck.

“It was not the ‘blood of Jesus’ that washed away your sins. It was essential for this Universe Creator’s Son to live like one of His own creations, to fully understand and comprehend them. He is your Creator/Father/Brother. She, Nebadonia, is your Mother/Sister/Teacher. You are His and Her child. Do study up on what this receiver will suggest you do. You will find your questions answered and thousands more, as we are willing to, and we are waiting to, attain a more consistent and stronger contact with you. That is all. I wish you well.”

George: “Amen.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.

11:11 Angels