How Midwayers Travel.


From the Desk of George Barnard.

November 13, 2001

Our recent transmission, "Increased Spiritual Energy for Urantia", brought this email comment from one of our valued subscribers:

"The idea of Midwayers traveling through 2 dimensional channels is way beyond my understanding.  I would never have considered such a thing.  I have read copious amounts of Science Fiction all of my life, so I think I might have an edge over the majority of people in imagining and comprehending alternate realities…  I've always felt more comfortable in imagining living in many of those alternate realities than the one I live in…"

Midwayers are unusual creatures in the sense that they are located in our space, but occupy a different, "nearby" facet of time to their human cousins.  To be of any assistance as intermediaries between their Seraphic Superiors and their human charges, they, at times, need to arrive at short notice.  They need to excel at many tasks.

In reply to our subscriber's inquiry, I can only try to answer the question on how they travel to the limited understanding through observation of my semi-material work mates of decades.  Watching them arrive, do their work, and depart, I learned they have the ability to "manipulate" time and distances, just as easily as they manipulate the animal mind, including that of Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

As a platoon of Celestials with just one single human, the Midwayers functioned as much as co-workers, as they did in being my eminent Teachers.  However, there was a long way to go from the point of my believing they were just ghosts, who had forgotten their names, yet, remarkably, retained their sense of humor, to my referring to them as the Spirit Guardians, and my seeking to assist them, as well as my soliciting their advice.

On one occasion, and when about to make a serious mistake, I was reminded of the folly of the move I was contemplating.  The red-skinned Midwayer Chief turned up with a live squirrel -- a (rather unwanted) present for his human understudy.

"Nuts for the squirrels, squirrels for the nuts," he was trying to tell me.  It was a kind warning that my plan for action bordered on the utterly foolish.  But if my Platoon Leader could transport an animal across the oceans, then, surely, he could also take me anywhere.  Aha!  Adventure!  

Imaginative, and almost fearless, I proposed he take me along on his haunts.  It took months before my proposal was finally accepted, but between the middle of 1972 and until about 1985, we did many healings, and on almost every continent on the planet.  We visited and remote-viewed relatives and friends, mostly in the presence of a throng of spirit student visitors from other planets.

One of the most remarkable aspects of these interstate, and intercontinental, travels was the fact that almost no time was taken up in actual traveling.  No sooner had we left, or we had already arrived.  In the late seventies I was finally allowed to tarry in mid air and view the pathways our Midwayer regularly traveled.  They were wide, broad bands of an iridescent electric blue -- flat, two-dimensional, really.  And they stretched from continent to continent, country to country, city to city, in great loops that reached right into the stratosphere.

It was an awesome sight, making the entire planet Earth look like it was loosely gift wrapped in shiny blue ribbons.  These are the super-highways along which our Midwayer friends travel at almost the speed of thought.  Always in a hurry, they are alerted to their next tasks by the instantaneous, reflective communication of Seraphim or Primary Midwayers.  

They "dissolve" into a stream of ultimatons, the smallest and fastest-moving building blocks of the universe, to reassemble, perfectly, precisely as they were, and just a few feet from the ground.  They ease to terra firma, and glide towards the patient, the TR -- anyone who may have urgently called for their assistance.

The old Startrek saying, "Beam me up, Scotty", is hardly as dumb as it sounds.

This (above) is as clear an explanation of their mode of travel as I can give.

If you are motivated to help others, ask for the assistance of the 1,111 Secondary Midwayers, and many others.  Be courageous, persistent.  If you are truly serious about your plans, this is a great and practical way towards Spirituality.  You may only ever hear them, perhaps even see them, or do little more than catch their trademark 11:11 Reminder Calls on your clock, microwave, or computer.  But they'll be there.

Doubt not.  Fear not.  The Midwayers are here to stay, help, guide, coerce, lure, and cajole, their human cousins toward greater spirituality as they have done for ages untold.  It's their job.  It's their life.

And it's just a small thought from George Barnard.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels