What's all this about 11/11/11 ?


From the Desk of George Barnard –November 9, 2011.

To All,

Suddenly we find there is a huge increase in the number of newbie subscribers to the 11:11 Progress Lists - English, Spanish and French -- and it seems the calendar date of November 11, 2011 is responsible.

Well, there's good news, irrelevant news, and even some bad news to report.

OK, the bad news first: Celestial Forces, clever as they are, are not going to sort out this world for us. We (Urantia humans) are in charge, because we are the caretakers of this planet. And if we want to kill, lie and steal, even start WWIII, there's nothing they can do to stop us.

The irrelevant news: Unless your birthday is on 11/11/11 - congratulations to the lucky ones -- it's just another day like 10/10/10, or 12/12/12 in another year and a bit. It's still not the end of the world or a time of mass ascension.

The good news is that you found us, at last, after we've been here for 10 plus years, and after having found out what the 11:11 time prompt, or wake-up call, was all about in 1972. At http://www.1111angels.com/E_Archives/list1052.htm Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8) explains how it all works. Pretty clever !

The good Doc, a brilliant healer, is a Secondary Midwayer or lower angel, and he is one of a group of 1,111 Planetary Helpers who wish for us to live a more spiritual life through meditation, prayer and visualisation, and who produce the 11:11 wake-up calls.

You'll also find some 2500 transcripts of communications between 11:11 Progress Group channelers and our Celestial Teachers.

God bless…

George Barnard.

PS (Overheard in this office: If the world really ends on 11/11/11, you're entitled to get your money back :o)

© 11:11 Progress Group.
"Encourage your Children to Learn about God,
Your Scientist to Discover His Laws,
Your Travelers to Admire His Creation.
Now teach your Gifted Ones to hear His Words-
I am Athena, who loves you."

