Scribbles 167 from Lytske.


Scribbles 167 from Lytske.
January 24, 2000.

Prayer: Thank you, Michael, for your insights. Guide me into a greater awareness and understanding of the way in which you would have me walk. Thank you for all your blessings.

Indeed, a contrite, open heart, and a humble teachable spirit, are yours for the asking.

Your loving heart has been at breaking point, and it is going through a healing crisis. This explains the irregularities you experience. The transient heaviness is part of the healing process also.

Trust and have complete faith in that you are being guided, so surely, that in looking back over your path, you are going to be amazed at the wonder of it all.

Life on earth is so precious. It is the seed-bed - a hothouse sometimes -- for the soul to grow in.

Nurture yourself with thoughts of the loving overcare of your heavenly parents, Michael and Nebadonia. Go to them in prayer and meditation to receive your daily sustenance.

In turn, nurture your siblings in the flesh, and show them the way Home.

Let your precious light so shine that they will be attracted like moths to a flame.

All will come to the Light in their own time.

The Infinite One loves all.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.