Scribbles 169 from Lytske.


Scribbles 169 from Lytske.
January 28, 2000.

Prayer: Thank you, Michael. I am very thankful that I can come to you at any time for sustenance. When matters seem to crowd me, I can always come to you. You truly nurture my heart, soul and mind. I am so grateful.

Dear child of mine, I see your struggles, your doubts, your disappointments. And yet you carry on with your heavy burden. Look to me at any time, and allow me to lighten your load.

I am the one, who walks beside you. Ours is a marvelous friendship, as we both desire to do the Father's will.

Trust that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Be brave, dear heart, and continue on in faith and trust.

All is well. You serve as best you can, and that is all that is required.

Be at peace, for the winds of change are blowing. Do not get impatient, as this is your training ground.

Where else would you get such a rich soul experience in tolerance and the opportunity to serve?

You too are being served by my heavenly helpers.

Be the brave heart you have developed over the years, for you have never shunned your responsibilities.

Be my cheerful little one.

I am your loyal friend, Michael.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.