Scribbles 79 from Lytske.


Scribbles 79 from Lytske.
May 7, 1999.

Blessings upon blessings are yours, once you start noticing them. It is the activation in the self to work with spirit, rather than against.

Go about your daily duties with joy and thankfulness in your heart, so you will perform miracles in your soul, all the while reinforcing deep contentment with harmony and balance. See how one invokes the other.

Realize the light of blessings and the blessings of light.

Lightheartedness it is. Feel the upliftment, which comes from your resting in Me. The journey becomes so much more wonderful when life is lived in an improving conscious awareness of a greater reality beyond the limited self, which is otherwise so often self-limiting.

Grow to see beyond the self-limiting thoughts, by checking to see how they arise. Become aware of these thoughts and say to yourself, ‘This is self limiting. The denial of self. The higher God-self of me is denied expression.’

Practice checking into your thought-processes, for often you will find a lot of self-denial and self-denigration.

In the beginning, this practice is not easy to do. As in all matters, it is serious training, but one which leads to a greater oneness and unity with Me. Do not make it hard work. Make it play. It is another tool in your toolkit towards perfection.

Go on a word-fast, and notice how often negative words come up such as: Should, shouldn’t, could, couldn’t, ought to, have to, and can’t. Become aware, as this discipline is mind-changing and will catapult you into a higher realm of thinking.

It is a great journey in self-discovery.

Have fun, and enjoy your Self.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.