By His Never-Ending, Devoted Love.


A Thought Adjuster Speaks - # 246

26th March, 2004

Dear one, today let us ponder the word, ‘Obedience.’ To render obedience to the Will of God requires faith in God in the very first place.

It requires faith in the goodness of God, faith in the changelessness of God, faith in the love of God, and trust and faith in your son-ship or daughter-ship with God.

The Infinite Creator is, first and foremost, a loving Father to His myriad creatures. He does not exact obedience from his children, but rather, He expects this to be freely given.

A happy well-adjusted human father would expect his children to respect his wishes, too, as he in his wisdom makes these known for the wellbeing of the whole family, for if one family member should err, the whole family might suffer.

It is the example that the Father in heaven sets before His children. He never coerces through threats to call His children to obedience. Rather, in His almighty wisdom, He will bring the erring child back into the fold by His never-ending, devoted Love.

Of course, a child not willing to listen, sooner or later bears the consequences of his/her behavior. When it feels in disharmony with itself and its surroundings, because it does not feel good, and it will sooner or later repent to once again feel like a fully-fledged member of the family. It will simply no longer want to live in the mire of the consequences of its errant ways.

The Father expects His child to come back, sooner or later, and when it recognizes that it has a truly loving Father in Heaven. Once an erring child experiences the unconditional Love of the One God, its faith is re-enforced in the goodness of God, and it will do its utmost to obey the laws of God.

It will love God with all its heart, soul and mind, and its neighbor as itself. Therefore, obedience becomes a selfless act of joy, because of the surety of it belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
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