A Lesson on Trying.


A Thought Adjuster Speaks - Lesson # 99
November 10, 2004.

Dear one, there is not a soul alive on the planet who does not try in one way or another, to grow, to expand. I desire to take these lessons a little further, as it is so very important that people wake up to the fact that by the grace of being alive, they are ultimately responsible for their personal soul growth, and they ought to take full responsibility for this growth. All right thinking humans have this capability to a greater or lesser degree. I mention right thinking with a purpose here, because you showed some trepidation in typing this out. It is extremely important to understand that with right thinking comes right action, which culminates in right deeds. However, God is the ultimate judge who knows the intent in the human heart, and this is the crux of any situation: What is your intent from moment to moment?

There is hardly a soul alive, who is conscious of the intent that is living so deep within them, except perhaps the purest of the pure. The most nefarious ones’ souls are already black, due to their refusal to let the light and love of God shine in, and through, their souls. In other words, they have given up trying to help their souls grow. Souls grow through any love expression, by any loving deeds done without thought of recompense -- living without any hidden agendas. It is living a life that comes from a love position, in which the soul realizes that it needs to love itself first, in order to know how to love another human being, and without expecting anything in return.

Your planet is without a visible representation from the Celestial realm, which represents the trial and tribulation of life. A Planetary Prince was here at one time, some 500,000 years ago, and ‘progress’ flourished, but some 250,000 years later he gave in to the sophistries of Lucifer, the then System Sovereign, and he went astray with him when a widespread rebellion erupted in the System to which your planet belongs. Many nefarious things have happened since then, and although about two thousand years ago the rebellion was settled by the local universe Creator Son of God, you still see the outworking of that long ago time, and far away event. The default of your Material Son and Daughter, sent here about 37 thousand years ago for the biological uplift of the planet, did not help matters either. This planet has labored in darkness, although prophets and seers have come and gone, beginning with Machiventa Melchizedek in the times of Abraham, to keep the Light of the One God alive on the planet.

Human minds have now evolved enough that they can start thinking for themselves, and make their own God connection. I have told you many times that the way to do this, is to start meditating by turning within into the Stillness of your hearts. It is the most important time in your day, the most peaceful, and the most nurturing exercise one can engage in. This is ‘first-rate trying,’ yielding the greatest results when persisted with. It is the manner in which the soul is nurtured and sanctified. It is the daily inspiration you seek when you get inspired by My presence within you. It is the step by tiny step with which you proceed along the lines of your divine blueprint lodged in your soul. Just like an embryo begins to grow in the mother’s womb, so you grow in the womb of Spirit. So flex your faith and trust muscles, and allow this growth to go on unabated.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
In losing your self, you will gain Me—TA.
