Stand Clear In Your Light.


Cheshire, UK, January 13, 2005.
Christ Michael.

Received by Helen Whitworth.

Michael: “The Earth is going through so many great changes, and the resultant energy waves spread over the surface are at best unsettling. It is indicative of the huge shifts occurring and the fact that, shortly, people will have to make a decision as to whether they are continuing in the light to let go of fear forever, or whether they are going to retreat back into darkness. This is ‘stuff of prophesy’ from so many ancient tribes and civilizations, and it is happening to us now.

“Many people have already made their decisions for better or for worse, but there are still others that have not yet made their choices, and for them there is a huge amount of soul searching to be done; to go deeply into their hearts and decide if they have the courage to continue.

“Some of the withdrawal from the (11:11) group, I have no doubt, will be making the choice to walk into the light and are merely regrouping to have the strength for that final choice. Others, I fear, may have a harder time in making that decision. Either way, it is something we each need to face, and however much we may have made choices in the past, when it comes to the crunch there will be no hiding from that which truly rests deep inside of you, for that is known to the Divine, and no amount of pretending to have made a choice where doubt still remains will go unnoticed.

“It is a difficult time, but if we can get through this, then we will shortly find the world a different place.

“Know too, though, that those already awakened are being asked this decision ahead of the masses. This is so that when the stronger waves hit the whole of humanity, there will be enough in place already to assist the mass choice with resonance of those who are decided and through support and encouragement on a more human level.

“I trust that this will explain a little more of current circumstances. Do not be afraid but stand clear in your light, call upon your spirit brethren and allow your doubts, fears and anxieties to come to the surface, to be held out in front of the wind and blown away to leave you refreshed and joyfully anew. You are warriors of the soul my dear ‘Indians’, and in service I can give you all you wish. Hold tight now for the time will be soon when the world will reawaken in its true fullness and the rewards of your work will be upon you.

“I am ever yours, Michael.”

Receiver’s note: This is the first time ever I transmitted Michael. I was at work, with colleagues all around me, and the words came as fast as I could type. I later wondered about the term “we” used almost throughout, not knowing another receiver in our group had also just received a message from Michael. Later it made total sense, and the two transmissions dovetail well. The term “Indians” is just a nickname for this group.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels