As Close to You as a Thought.


Tallahassee, Florida, US of A, July 18, 1995.

Christ Michael, and Mother Spirit (Nebadonia).

Received by JoiLin.

Michael: “Child, I am here. Know always that I am available to you. This connection is real and can be counted upon to sustain you in all times of trial and despair. I would have you walk in the sunlight of my love, knowing always that your trusting in the future will allow you the peace of the moment. If you can live each moment in this trust, not only will you free your spirit to soar among the clouds in peace and joy, but also will you allow the future to unfold according to its design.

“When you attempt to control, you not only cause yourself untold grief, but you put constraints upon the natural evolution of my plan. Trust that all which flows into and out of your life-stream are parts of the lessons this life has to offer you, and when you reach the point of full acceptance, then will you have mastered one of the most valuable lessons of this physical life.

“Be at peace, my child, trusting in me. It is not my design nor my desire that any of my children should suffer for even one moment, yet I cannot give you the vision of what is to come, or I would take from you the challenge of learning this lesson of trust. In times to come, you will look back upon this time as one of your greatest opportunities for growth, and I would not take such an opportunity from you. I would ask you to once again begin spending time with me in this communication.

“Know always, beloved child, that you are my own, and never for even a moment in time are you left unattended by my love and watch-care. Your mother would speak to you at this time, and so I take my leave, yet I remain as close to you as a thought. Know this in your heart of hearts beloved. Take my extended hand, JoiLin, and let me help you take the faith steps that will open the doors to your future.

Nebadonia: “Dear beloved child, little one so full of light, yet so caught up in projections for the future, whilst you cannot see what is in front of you. Can you not see how easily your thought of the future has turned your life upside down? Is it realistic that your life could move from one of love and happiness to one of pain and shadow in the blink of an eye? If this were possible then how much reality could your happiness have embraced?

“The love that you are, the serenity you can feel, your happiness, your ability to both feel and express joy, comes from within child, never can these things be taken from you, except by your own willingness to replace them with illusions from a world outside yourself. When you accept this as fact, then will you become better prepared to walk this path of living the Father’s love and giving it to your world.

“We have told you in the past that it would not be easy, nor without trials, but we also told you that it would bring you much joy if you would have the faith to continue to step out, even though you knew not where the path would lead. Trusting always that you are loved and guided along the way, and knowing that nothing can ever harm you, will help to make the journey easier to accept.

“Remember, child, that each step you take on this path without the benefit of things seen that give you direction, the stronger your faith will become. Can you remember to live each day within the moment? If you will only do this, you will never feel pressure from a future not yet unfolded. Trust, child, and faith, let these be your watchwords for the days to come.

“I leave you now with the knowledge that you are ever held within our embrace. Shalom.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels