The Way of Peace.


US of A, June 11, 2005.

Christ Michael.

Contributing Receiver.

Michael: “The Scriptures taught you that peace comes to those who war no more—those who ‘Lay Down the Sword’. And yet, there are also scriptures that teach you to ‘Slay With the Sword’. However, ‘An Eye for an Eye’ is most certainly not the path towards Peace.

“Is this a holy book that teaches such conflict? Can there be anything more profane than the concept of a holy war? Of course not! Conflict is not truth.

“How did you come to peace, My sister? It was not easy, for so many times did you hear the still small Voice, saying, ‘Lay it down!’ You knew then that you needed to lay down the sword.

“So what is peace? What is ‘Peace on Earth?’ It is not war, but the absence of conflict, and the absence of conflict is the absence of ego.

“Ponder these words. You have meditated on the death of ego—your own, as well as that of the ego-centered ones who surround you. You know conflict is always ego centered.

“You have a little one liner that you quite often repeat to yourself. Some one once expressed this in one of your self-help books: ‘Do you want to be right, or happy?’ You adopted those words into your heart, and they became as scripture to you.

“You recognized those words as being Holy Spirit inspired. They were a little pathway to your present place of peace. Now you can see how these words worked to annihilate your ego, so centered in conflict. These words say the same thing in an updated version of the scriptures that teach to lay down the sword.

“Peace on earth will come, My sister. You know that is the truth, and it is a work in progress that begins in the lives of those who say they are My children. They must lay down their swords, and their determination will spread to all those that are directly affected by the resolve of God’s children to war no more.

“You know this works, for in truth you also once wore the hat of the warmonger. You smile at this revelation, but you have used that term about yourself, and you have said it so often of others, also.

“Who are these who love war more than peace? They are all those who would rather be right than happy. They are all those who much prefer conflict to peace. They are all those who cannot lay down the sword—the masses of humanity that are ego centered and cannot yet hear the still small Voice within.

“I am Michael. These are enough words for you to meditate on today, and to delight about the distance toward peace you have so far traveled.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels