To Play An Active Role.


Tallahassee, Florida, US of A, November 6, 1993.

Unknown Teacher.

Received by JoiLin.

Teacher: “Let us begin. Today’s lesson will involve a consideration of the part each individual plays regarding community. Once we begin to accept and understand the interconnectedness of all things, we also begin to understand our role and the ramifications our actions have on the whole.

“If we accept this idea of interrelatedness, then we must also accept the understanding that we as individuals, contribute to the whole, beginning with those around us, and working outward to family, community, state, nation and world. We contribute to this whole in either a positive, uplifting, spiritual way, or in it’s opposite, a negative, downward, spiritually regressive way.

“If one were to stand within the confines of a closet, and speak words of an extremely foul and or negative nature, one might understand that there is no outward ramification from that behavior. However, once one were to step outside that isolated area, and speak those same words among others, whether to one’s spouse, children, neighbors, co-workers, whatever the case may be, these spoken words now do have an outward movement. They do in fact affect others. If those others happen not to be on an upward moving spiritual path, they may not be able to neutralize the negative words, thereby changing the energy into positive, understanding, love-fostering movement.

“Once we begin to look at the active role we play in forming both our immediate and our more outward reaching environment, we become more consciously active in controlling our thoughts and our spoken words.

“This interrelatedness then, once you identify with the understanding, begins to spill out into an ever-expanding understanding, of community, and one’s individual responsibility toward building the whole. This is my lesson for you today. I send you my peace. Shalom.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels