A Lesson on Labor.


Urantia, August 20, 2005.

A Teacher named “The Beloved One.”

Contributing Receiver.

The Beloved One: “Labor is a very interesting subject, because all labor is honorable when done with honesty and sincerity. First of all, labor, even the most menial of tasks, is worthy of being done well. There are no hard and fast rules about how a given job is discharged, but it does totally depend on the integrity of the worker. In discharging your duties there are also great lessons to be learned, and the first and foremost one is that of the dependability of the worker him or herself, because in satisfactorily discharging a duty, he or she earns the respect of the one, who handed out the task. However, the learning does not stop there. It is not only that one discharges his or her duty for all to see, but also how one builds on one’s self esteem, because one is able to hold up one’s ‘end of the bargain.’

“Job satisfaction is first and foremost a great inspirer to do better and better, and therefore improve in performance. They are those who truly and sincerely apply themselves to anything their hand finds to do, who are well-prepared and well-equipped for further and greater work where trust is needed. Be faithful in the small things, and the greater things will automatically be added in time and space. Of course, I am also alluding to the bigger picture of the eternal future. Here in the flesh you are already showing yourselves worthy in your earthly assignments. How are you doing so far? Is everything working for you, and do you feel yourself to be ‘in the flow of things,’ like abundance? Many a person turns bitter because they have not learned satisfaction in their work, no matter how menial or how important. I would say, ‘Change your attitude towards what you are doing, or change what you are doing’. It is very important to also make work your leisure, so you retain a healthy interest.

“Take rest periods away from your labors, so you can refresh your mind and feel better about everything. Do not allow yourselves to become an automaton that does everything by rote, for this is mind deadening. And mind is the most precious gift you have. It is the center of your reasoning, and it is the means through which you think. The mind is God-given, so don’t squander your precious mind. Use it to your best advantage, and it will help discipline your thoughts into a better way of doing things, so that at the end of your material existence, you can look back and say, ‘I have done my best, on to the next adventure with renewed hope and trust, because the Father in heaven is pleased also with what I have accomplished in this life.’

“All labor is honorable when done with honesty, and I know that I am repeating Myself here, but this is the number one rule. It is also your willingness, which plays a role. Grudgingly performed work takes a lot of joy out of living. This is your first life, so I would counsel you to do your very best. Not that you need to get fanatic over this with perfection, you need to also learn and play. Yes, do not ever forget to play, for it will make the work go smoother. It is not good to be overwhelmed by anything. Do not let work overwhelm you, for that is a sign that you are not in control anymore within yourself. It then becomes needful to take a step back, so you can gain a fresh perspective on everything. Do not forget to breathe deeply. Taking a deep breath in fresh air helps to ‘sweep the cobwebs away.’ There is also the most effective means of finding rest by going inside into the Stillness of your heart to find the solace you seek, and so desperately need.

“Please do take advantage of the marvelous Guidance within.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels