Love and Inclusiveness.


North Yorkshire, UK, November 1, 2005.

Thought Adjuster.

Received by Helen Whitworth.

Thought Adjuster: “In the mind of God there is only inclusiveness and love. It is through being aware of, and practicing, inclusiveness and love that you will come closer to God and to the God Within.

“Allow each thought that is not within this encompassing whole to disappear gently, and without regard, and focus purely on the moments in which these perspectives arise, and you shall find a deep, permeating sense of the truth of this teaching, and your light shall burn more brightly in response.

“Truly gladness of heat can only arise when setting aside all else, you focus upon this love of all, and the inclusiveness that allows this to all beings you encounter in every state. Be still and with this thought, and thus its teachings cannot fail. This is your true nature.

“Feel the warmth in your heart expand, spreading throughout your being, filling the room and increasing beyond that boundary, flowing over the town and all its inhabitants; be they standing quietly washing up, laughing with children, or in a blazing row with their spouse. Let the beauty of humanity feed the expansion of love, and fill your being with this truth. Expand more and feel this love, as blanket, spread over fields, hills, river and forest, touching and merging with each tree, each worm, each bird, and each blade of grass, and sit sometime in stillness allowing the folds of love to encompass the planet and beyond in joy, peace and healing.

“Practice this every day and you will have great rewards, as yourself, and as all else that you touch in this way. This concludes today’s lesson.”

Receivers Note: For my first attempt at this exercise I could not expand much beyond the county. I hold the planet as a target, not something expected to be obtained instantly. Following the exercise I received one further sentence:

Thought Adjuster: “This is the potential scope when blessings are requested for ‘all sentient beings’” (A phrase often used within Buddhist prayer).

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

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