The Akashic Environment.


From the Desk of George Barnard, April 30, 2006.

I feel the grass being compressed by my bare feet as I take twelve measured steps down to my Akashic Library. Nestled between two sand dunes as it is, there is much sand to be swept from me desk. The floor, too, needs a bit of a sweep. It’s a relaxing task, and now we can begin.
Midwayers and patients wander in and out, together with skinks and insects, yet these days there is a shift. We are working on psychological problems, not so much their physical illnesses.
Whilst my workshop is rather unlit, making the visitors light up in their true colors, I love the extensive Akashic Libraries that are being constructed – some under water, some in the sky, most of them exquisite in appointment.
Here is one of the Akashic Construct Participants reporting:

April 24 to 26 (Part Report Only).

The Lay-Out.

My Akashic Construct workroom is a huge, round, windowed all around, with a view to the great green outdoors. Inside it has a wooden, slatted counter that runs the circumference, and it has such items as bowls of rocks of various colors, and there is a fountain with water. In the middle of the room is the elevator. Further back from it is the healing cushioned table; other elixirs and books are in an alcove area between windows.

I like to make the clients feel they are coming to a place of peace and relaxation, so the Akashic Construct décor reflects this desire. The clients can also go outside and enjoy the weather if they are waiting for someone else who came with them, such as a husband and wife who come for healing at the same appointment.

I see one at a time, and the one waiting can wait indoors in another room, or outdoors enjoying my labyrinth, or just sitting outside or walking around. There are also other rooms off to the right side of the main room.

After A Heart Operation.

I found a nice quiet walk and shady place at work outside of the building. My concentration was just great, and I went slowly into the AC through the colors, so that I could actually see them and feel the colors. I went slowly through my favorite place in nature, again taking my time down the stairs, the shower, the energy light, finally into the AC.

I said a prayer for guidance and celestial help. My client was a 56-year-old woman with blockages in the heart. She was operated on that very morning, so this AC exercise was to be for a splendid recovery for her.
I prayed for her heart to be all clear; no troublesome clots anywhere. I requested her to lie down, and told her she would be asleep just briefly, and wake up refreshed.

When she relaxed on the cushioned table, she instantly went to sleep. Now, my technique was the “whoosh” technique in which I threw a bucket of water on her. It briefly wet her, and it all dried again instantly. She woke up refreshed. I asked her if she would like a rock, or a stone to take with her from the vast collection, and she selected an emerald green gemstone that was round and faceted. She smiled at me and left.

The Married Couple.

The lady was the first to enter the Akashic Construct. I greeted her and asked if she would like a neck massage to ease some of her tension. She answered, “Yes.”

I rubbed the back of her neck and shoulders, and then I gave her a rose quartz, heart-shaped stone, before taking her to the outdoor labyrinth. The Angels would be with her while she was there, so she would not feel alone while I worked with her husband, who really needed lots of energy.

The gentleman arrived via the elevator, and stood in the room. I told him, “God loves you just as you are. God will stay with you always. Whatever you need to do is fine.”

He simply took a blue stone for peace. I then went to get the lady from the labyrinth, and she came in and asked her husband if he would like to see it. He said, “Yes.” She showed her husband the labyrinth from inside the Akashic Construct window.

It is my thought here that someday both could be together again, and when in heaven could walk the labyrinth together. My prayer for them both, for strength, and that the Angels go with them.

They thanked me, and I told them, “You’re welcome!”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels