A Hearing Impaired Subject.


An Akashic Construct Participant reports – May 7, 2006.

I request to be able to hear the spoken word, and after going through the rainbow colors, I go to the seashore at sunset. The reflection of the setting sun makes the water a rich shade of gold. I walk uphill and bring two companions, my guardian angels, and two more ‘reality check people’, that are tall and have on hats with a check mark on them and the word ‘reality’ printed on their t-shirts.

The idea comes to me that when I am in the Akashic Construct, I might need a little help with what is there and what is not there, so these two might help. I wash away all fear and self-sabotage in my shower, but I simply forgot to go through the energy giving light. Later I realized that I did not need it, for in reality, I was walking through my neighborhood, enjoying the sky, the trees, the nature all around me, and this was very energy-giving.

I stand briefly in front of the door to the Akashic Library, give thanks to God, and I enter. My reality check shows that my brain waves are ‘running’ at 8 Hertz, the date is May 7, 2006, and time is 7:35 p.m. I push button number 1 for the elevator.

The sufferer to be healed comes up on the elevator, and walks into the room. I greet him (go over to him) and tell him (he can actually hear me up here!) that I will do energy healing on him. I am doing a combination of Akashic Construct healing and long distance Reiki to practice the long distance symbol which gives access to knowledge of the past, present and future, and basically has the same function as the Akashic Construct library.

I do this symbol over him, and then I do the power-up symbol on my hands. He lies down on the table and I do ‘my hands over his ears’ energy healing. I also request any other beings, who may wish to help, to assist me.

I start a sound therapy with ‘OM’ -- a low sound that I sing, and for about several minutes. I go through various tones to heal his ears, whilst angels also do their music to heal him in higher ranges.

I ask my Midwayer friend to get the honey elixir for hearing. She brings it, and I give it to my subject. He drinks it. I also pray that my healing will reinforce any other healing others are sending to him. I put some of the elixir in a bag for him to take away with him. I also put a huge conch shell in the bag so he can ‘hear the ocean’. I say a prayer that God grant him his wish to hear again.

End of session. He says, ‘Goodbye and thanks.’ And I thank him for coming, and he then gives me a hug goodbye!

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels