A Lesson on Being Worthy.


Urantia, December 3, 2004.

Contributing 11:11 Receiver.

THE BELOVED ONE: "It is timely that we discuss the subject of being worthy. There are so incredibly many people, especially the more sensitive ones, who feel so very unworthy. This is a curse that has plagued humanity since time immemorial, and it usually stems from the earliest of childhood days, and in many cases it even goes back as far as the time of conception.

"The biggest problem being, of children not having had enough love and attention showered upon them, and their earliest requirements not having been immediately met, for such gives even the tiniest infant the message that it is not really worthy of attention. And so a vicious cycle can be set into motion, which during mortal life is very hard to overcome, even though one may have achieved great heights of success. These early experiences can be so deeply ingrained that it needs celestial intervention to break those unfortunate ties to unworthiness.

"Sometimes these ties to unworthiness can manifest in 'unhealthy ego mannerisms', and bombastic behavior, unconsciously used to cover up a blockage of the love which cannot flow freely, since love was never freely received. In others it may be a reaction of severe meekness, a 'Don't look at me, I am not worthy of the space I take up on this planet' attitude.

"Of course, I am here citing extremes of conduct, but there are all varying and fluctuating shades of maladjusted behavior in between, and much remedial help is needed to overcome most of these. It depends a great deal on self-recognition and insight why one acts, and or reacts, the way one does. Often, some careful scrutiny can lead you to recognize that one can do a great deal to stop negative behavior, and so become the master over unhelpful impulses.

"It is quite a feat to overcome minor irritations that could so easily lead to hurt feelings, and one can truly profit by learning that most behaviors by others are not even directed at another person or yourselves, but only seen as such in reflection of one's own perceived inadequacies.

"Overmuch "inward dwelling" of the mind is unhealthy, too. It is far better to go out and serve others, which can give a tremendous boost to one's self-esteem and feelings of worthiness. It is through helping others that the self is helped. People need each other, and many people are in need of help even though it might not be apparent to them. Even a friendly smile can light up someone's day, and such smiles will be remembered at many levels, even after it has seemingly been forgotten at the surface.

"All thoughts ever thought, and all words ever spoken lie buried deep in the subconscious mind, to turn up again at the most unexpected moments. Therefore, there is a great truism in the saying: 'never say never', for one never knows when certain words start reverberating in the mind. Now you must be thinking, 'Where is all this going to lead?' I tell you now that nothing good is ever lost, but that all good will carry on and become the possession of the evolving God the Supreme-the evolving Deity of time and space.

"In contrast, all negativity shall eventually fall away into nothingness. Only worthiness shall ultimately prevail, as the eternal God sees the beginning from the end, and the end from the beginning. One can truly say of unworthiness, 'This, too, shall pass.' Meanwhile, valuable experiential lessons are being learned through the overcoming of negativity as one strives to become more loving and positive on the long road to perfection.

"The most efficient way to do this is by the building of a loving relationship with your God-Spark within, which has been given to you for guidance, and to set your mind free of unwanted and unnecessary feelings. Walk closely with me, as I know you better than you know yourself, and know what you are capable of becoming in the eternal future, for I am the Beloved One."

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels