Visions Of Celestial Technology.


From the Desk of George Barnard – 03/01/2003

Approval Granted

There’s nothing coincidental happening anywhere in the universes, not even in their furthest away, seemingly neglected little corners.  Everything has a reason, and all of it must make sense to us at some time in our eternal career.

It’s the very task of our Celestial Teachers to bring to us the lessons of a loving Creator of All by letting us know what goes on in His far-flung universes – an education that is only limited by what we really want to know.

No doubt we are all gifted with ‘seeing things in our mind’s eye’, and through the pursuit of anything creative, we can enhance our innate gifts of psychic vision.

Yet nothing happens without an approval being granted, and frequently without a request being made.  It’s only good manners to ask.

Someone, somewhere is in charge of allowing, or denying us to perceive the realities of faraway happenings of the past, present or future.

It’s all on a need-to-know basis.

Universe Reflection

Our innate abilities to receive verbal and visual messages, and even smell the roses in distant places, may well vary somewhat.  However, we all have the ability to utilize what our Celestial Friends call Universe Reflection – a system of communication that allows us to perceive distant events, mind to mind, and without even a millisecond’s delay.

Even full-color memories of past events can be communicated in this way.

More remarkably, Paradise information of the far off future can be beamed down to our mere mortal minds  – minds that are otherwise ‘locked in with linear time’ for us to only see and hear in the material world with our material eyes and ears.

We need to be ready to learn something new, acceptant of what we see in this fashion, and there must be a reason for us to learn what comes our way.

Since we might only be comparatively slow learners to the amazingly advanced celestial minds that surround us, our Celestial Teachers will even give us the lessons in words and visions for a second time around, a third, and still more often.

So it was, just yesterday.

Celestial Technology

In response to an 11:11 subscriber’s request for help from Dr. Mendoza – specifically the Secondary Midwayer, Dr. Mendoza, or MNO-8 – our fast moving friend turned up at the residence of said listee at the very moment I requested on my friend’s behalf for the Doc to do so.

In meditation, I watched Mendoza confer with some celestial personality already present at the scene.  Then an oblong box came into view.  There were two tubes extending from the box, and Mendoza plugged one of these into the area of the person’s heart chakra, the other some ten or twelve inches below this.

That was ‘it’ for the Midwayer.  He was out of there, whilst a Cherubim ‘nurse’ monitored the progress in my friend as that strange box topped up some form of energy that was needed by this run-down mortal.

That was the second time I had a look at such goings on, and since nothing exists without a reason, this ‘Celestial Technology’ is here reported on.

No Favorites

I have often requested for Dr. Mendoza to check me out when I lack energy or feel off color.  I’m getting quite used to my, at times, seemingly talking to my big toe or navel.

Mendoza prefers to work on the human body when the owner is asleep.  On some occasions I heard him say, “Turn over now.”  And without properly awakening, I do just that.

Whilst Mendoza has many friends, he has no favorites.

Whilst Mendoza has many Cherubim Assistants to diagnose his cases, he is not the only brilliant Secondary Midwayer/Healer employed in the around-the-clock caretaking of his human cousins.

And whilst any of us may, at some time or other, require a healing of this kind, we need to know that it is available to us.

And simply ask aloud to be made to feel great.

And (what joy!) save on doctors’ bills in the process.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels