Monterrey, Mexico, October 4, 2016.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Listen to Me. I want to talk with you.”

Message received by Bettina.

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, in these times of confusion among the human races, when ideas are so diverse and beliefs are so extreme, you need to close your eyes, breathe deeply and listen to Me.

“I want to talk with you, I want to communicate with you, but if you want to hear Me it is necessary for you to pay attention. Your mind is the main tool that was given to you to create, to collaborate with Me in creation. You are the co-creator of your reality and it is in your mind where your creations begin.

“However, your mind can also become your main ‘enemy.’ It is in your mind where ideas such as resentment, criticism and misunderstandings begin. Your mind also builds unnecessary judgments. It is in your mind where you create and design fears, uncertainty and anxiety.

“Today it is necessary to clean your mind, to do a thorough cleaning. I need you free, free from all these thoughts that hold you back and above all that which doesn’t allow you to listen to Me.

“If your glass is already full, it does not allow Me pour into it what I have to give you. Empty the glass. Empty your mind. Quit spinning in your head. And let Me in. I need you free. I need you in the stillness. You often ask Me to give you answers, to guide you along your path and to fill you with light. But then you fill your mind with ideas, thoughts, judgments, confusion, and you fail to listen to the answers I am giving you.

“Give Me a few minutes every day, so you can hear Me, so you can be free. And in those few minutes your only challenge is to be quiet, to stop your mind and listen to Me.

“Thank you for coming to our rendezvous. I am with you and in you forever.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
If you stop judging, you will find peace — Thought Adjuster. 11:11 Store