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- Written by: Michael of Nebadon
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 25
Heritage20Urantia, January 31, 2016.
Teacher: Michael of Nebadon.
Subject: “Your Eternal Resume.”
Message received by Lytske.
Michael: “You thought it was funny when I suggested the subject of conversing about an eternal resume. And yet, at the same time you felt that I was a deeply serious about my request. My reason is that not many humans on this planet are giving thought to what it is they are supposed to be doing in their earthly lives. Each mortal’s responsibility is to figure out why they have been given the gift of life, including that of free will.
The entire universe is one vast training ground, starting right here, to evolve and advance reliable ascending beings. After completing their ages-long training to become perfect they shall be found worthy to fill positions of trust in the far-away universes as yet incomplete. They might even be asked to give their insights during the planning for future planets to be inhabited.
“Think about such potential honors: to be asked to take part in the future planning as eternity stretches before you with untold and unheard of potentials. The sky is truly not the limit. And you thought that you were going to sit on a cloud somewhere, bored to tears and playing a harp? How strange and useless.
“Think again my children: nothing could be further from the truth. God has bigger plans than giving you a chance to be bored to tears. (However, you do have that choice here on earth.) Activity abounds everywhere and the universe itself is full of surprises. I can only give you a miniscule glimpse of what might be possible, as beyond this life there are no barriers to keep you from your dreams. Instead, the eternal future can be very exhilarating, but only if you make it so.
“I, Michael, whom you know as Jesus, am the Ruler of this vast domain with my Consort, the Creative Mother Spirit, we are your Spiritual Parents and together with our Teachers and Angelic Helpers will be grading your resumes to see what you have achieved in our universe and what qualifications you have obtained during your journey to advance yourselves as sturdy, stalwart citizens, of the cosmos beginning here on this planet. Here it is where you build the basement floor on which your future curriculum rests.
“This is your sole responsibility as there is much you can train yourselves in; like doing the Heavenly Father’s will with a grateful heart, like learning to love and respect yourselves and learning to love and respect not only those you come in contact with, but equally all God’s other children. Yes, I know, there are many seemingly ‘unlovely’ people residing on this planet, but may I remind you that they, too, have eternal souls, depending on how they live their individual lives.
“Eternal life is free, but some restrictions could well apply if there is nothing worthwhile on life’s resume like loving service to one another with respect and appreciation. Eternal life is not for the slothful, willful and lazy unbelievers.
“My dear children, please ponder these words and respond increasingly to your God-given inner Light and start fulfilling your eternal resume worthy of a child of God.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 26
Alabama, US of A, June 27, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Mind Control.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The free association of thoughts, when you let your mind produce ideas without censorship or control, can provide new insights and occasionally connect you to ideas placed in your mind by the Thought Adjuster. This process of spontaneous thinking can be used by the Adjuster to spiritualize the human being.
The problem is that human minds in this age are overwhelmed by too many artificial distractions: electronic devices, advertisements, etc. These distractions often condition the mind to think in certain ways and to give preference to certain types of thoughts. For example, someone who watches a lot of television and has spent countless hours following the latest trending show will likely produce related thoughts. These "spontaneous" thoughts lack almost any creative potential and, in reality, add no value to human life.
On the other hand, life’s circumstances can often affect the more sensitive minds and fill them with fear. When a human mind is dominated by fear, it only produces thoughts of that nature — anxieties, worries, uncertainty about what might happen, fantasies about problems that will never come to pass, and so on. These thoughts will not produce anything beneficial in the life of a human being either.
A human being needs to train their mind and learn to master it. This is only possible through the effort of self-observation. Everyone can observe their mind and become aware of the thoughts it contains. It is then that a mortal can exercise their greatest freedom and decide what kind of thoughts to keep in their mind and which ones to discard, thereby creating their own reality.
This is where meditation can help significantly. Silent meditation involves calming the mind, observing thoughts, and whenever the mind drifts in a direction incompatible with the individual’s highest aspirations, gently guiding it toward more beneficial paths. True mental control does not mean having an empty mind free of thoughts but rather ensuring that the mind is filled with thoughts of eternal value — those with the potential to enhance the individual’s life, draw them closer to the Father, and move them toward perfection.
Jesus was a true Master of controlling His mortal mind. When He spoke with His Father, He did not attempt to silence His thoughts. The human mind was made to think, and through intelligent reflection illuminated by the spirit, it can solve problems and choose the path toward perfection. Jesus surrendered to the spiritual guidance of His Adjuster just as any human being on this world can do. In doing so, He sought to direct His thoughts through the highest realms of His consciousness, where the influence of the Father is felt in human life.
Practice silent meditation and train your mind to carefully choose the thoughts it holds. Then ask the Father for help and use this mind to produce truly creative thoughts — those filled with truth, beauty, and goodness — that will enable you to make decisions leading to eternity and the perfection of your being through your will united with the will of your Father.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 24
Urantia, September 14, 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Show Me Your Willingness.”
Message received by Lytske
The Beloved: “It is in the daily coming into the Silence that immensely enriches yourself with My influence, My spiritual fragrance. How could this be otherwise?
Show Me your willingness in your meditative Stillness practice. In so doing you shall be rightly rewarded with a growing faith and trust in My Essence living within you.
One word of caution, however, do not come with any expectations, for you will be disappointed. Put human expectations out of the way, or rather, leave them behind as you enter the Silence and allow our relationship to develop naturally.
Just like an infant grows into a toddler, so do you develop your infant-soul by daily coming to Me to be nurtured. Soon, when you forget to come to Me, you will find that something essential is missing in your day, for that daily sustenance will be absent.
This is the reason why your Master Jesus so often went off by himself to pray. As a human, He needed that daily sustenance with His Father in heaven to carry out His mission on earth, revealing God to man, and man to God.
His was indeed the ideal life as He lived and worked to refine His relationship with His Fragment within, and learned to abide by the will of His Father in heaven. His striving as a human, was to arrive at perfection, and this He did.
I am endeavoring to lead you into a higher and more conscious way of living – to wake you up to a better way of life, a more God-like, and more God-pleasing life.
In this fashion, you will increasingly yield the fruits of the spirit as you go about your manifold daily duties.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 31
Oregon, USA, January 5, 2023.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “From Stillness to Spacelessness.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “Your Stillness practice gives you simultaneous entry to spacelessness. Due to the timeless and spaceless divine attributes, one goes with the other. Your finite mind expands in meditation, thus granting you access to the infinite Mind. Ponder this for a moment.
From this expanded perspective, time no longer matters and it stands still. This gives quite a new meaning to Stillness, doesn’t it?
At that new operational level, your mind can roam free, becoming an upgraded receptor able to pick up on higher input. You witness that you receive all sorts of subliminal revelations, as you have now access to the cosmic database.
How sad it is that so many of you deprive yourself of such a soul-felt experience! Practice the Stillness and you will receive mind-blowing and heart-opening insights. Your take on life will be drastically altered for the better and you will keep returning to the Source for more. You will transcend your humanity to commune with divinity — a foretaste of great things to come.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.
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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe (Sananda)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 65
Illawarra District, Australia, January 16, 2019.
Teacher: The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “Innate Humility, a Priceless Commodity.”
Message received by George Barnard.
The Scribe: “There are those who stand in front of a crowd and shout, ‘Me first!’ and there are those who simply wait their turn, because it will come. Humility is indeed a priceless commodity and it is one of the most treasured personality traits your celestial Teachers detect in their favorite Urantia human charges.
“To us (Celestials) humility is born of a knowledge of precisely who you are and that you have worth — such a person need not prove anything to the self or to others. Humility is also patient — that which is wished for will come about if it is meant to be. And humility sees all others as equals — how could it be otherwise?
“For us (Celestials) humility must not be equated with low self-esteem as such is a damaging trait even we dislike. For one whose life and career is settled there is every reason to know the satifaction of humility and the appreciation others have for him or her.
“This is the trait humility is not; humility is not a lack of well-placed pride in what one has learned or learned to do, although simply not proclaiming or asserting it — a false pride. Humility is an innate humbleness an innate modesty.
“Our kind of humility belongs to one who owns that priceless commodity, is a ‘group annimal’ by nature and who knows and accepts that the distant future will bring ever greater associations in which all will be diversely talented, yet seen as equal to any in the group.
“To us humility is patient and not outspoken, but may carefully weigh up a solution to a vexing problem and quietly offer same. Achieve and remain humble, be a leader and remain modest. I am Sananda, the Damascus Scribe, your humble Teacher and Friend forever.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our Spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972