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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 17
Urantia, March 11, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Deciding Moments.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “There comes no greater realization in a mortal's life when the deep longing from within is answered in kind. This is the first undeniable moment of recognition that there is far more in life than meets the eye. This moment is indelibly etched in the soul of the potential immortal human being and at that moment of experiential acceptance, mortality becomes immortality.
This deciding moment is worth more than all the gold and precious jewels in the world. Indeed, it is the price of the greatest value ever, that feeling of recognition of being a child of God and belonging in truth and fact to God's family and, indeed, growing into and being accepted as a full-fledged member of this family of evolving humankind. Everyone is a member of God's family of ascending children, but not everyone is consciously aware of this fact.
If they were aware, they would not be chasing after worldly fame and recognition but would realize that this precious mind is a Gift from Spirit. It is not to be squandered for selfish interests and idle pursuits. However, humankind, the way they have been and are evolving, have also been given that precious Gift of free will, so they can choose for themselves what they must do, to experience and learn life lessons.
The safety measure lies in the only command from the eternal God, which is to become perfect like Himself. This urge has been laid down as a tiny seed in each thinking human. It devolves upon each human how they will fulfill this command from the Creator God. In reality, you are co-creators with God, and what you make of your life is your gift back to God, prompted by the Guiding Light within. (The Thought Adjuster.)
Life on Earth is not without its struggles, because it depends on how you develop your own inner spiritual life. When you spend more time collecting worldly 'stuff', it follows that you will come up with a near-empty soul in eternal life. There needs to be a balance in all things and due attention must be given to the pursuit of the development of the soul so that there is equal tension, as the material life can be strengthened by an active spiritual life. And so, you will emerge triumphant on your reawakening in the Morontia Resurrection Halls.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 28
Oregon, USA, June 25, 2022.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Forgive and Let Go.”
Message received by Anyas
Thought Adjuster: “Forgiveness is a multi-layered process set into motion by the honest desire to forgive. The challenge many encounter in that endeavor is that they tackle it from their intellect rather than their heart. Merely saying “I forgive you” does not make it so. You will soon notice that there are still pockets of resentment and feelings of hurt that keep bubbling up. How, then, do you go about releasing them once and for all?
The best approach to this soul-liberating process is to reflect upon Jesus’ life that abounded in forgiveness exemplifications. He was greatly misunderstood, emotionally and physically abused, and subjected to character defamation. In comparison, your self-righteous assertions of victimization often amount to self-pity.
Jesus never felt sorry for himself. He dealt with the earthly life blows by adopting an elevated perspective, ever more concerned about his heavenly Father’s feelings than his own. To him, the injured party was the Father he had come to represent. By not taking offenses personally, Jesus did not brood over them or schemed revenge. He distanced himself from the Old Testament retaliatory an-eye-for-an-eye response and, by turning the other cheek, he stunned his tormentors and the bystanders.
Forgiveness is indeed an act of liberation — of the self and those who dug their claws deep into you. It is also a process of emotional relaxation — only possible when the mind and its memories disengage from the inner conflict to allow the heart to do its job as the forgiver. Forgiveness allows for peace to settle in. Wasn’t your Master Jesus coined as the Prince of Peace? How else could he have forgiven if he had operated from a place of inner turmoil?
The dove of peace holding an olive branch needs to be released from your heart. Yours is to open the door of its cage whose bars are made of resentment and grudges. Once you set it free to soar, it will become your peace ambassador. Do not rescind its emancipation, as by doing so, you nullify your selfless act of forgiveness. Let it go so that it can drop its olive branch in the lap of those you want to absolve of any debt toward you.
It is the only way for peace to be restored in your world — inner and outer. Jesus makes himself available to assist you in that process that he mastered to perfection so that he could become ‘the way’ — the way back to the Father as heaven is a grudge-free zone.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 47
Asheville, NC, US of A, February 26, 2017.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “Try it before you buy it.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Chris: “Teachers, a reader asks: There is a book by Mario Martinez in which he purports that there are three wounds that cause disease in the body: Shame, Betrayal, and Abandonment. He says that to heal the mind and body one needs to create a healing field of Honor, Loyalty, and Commitment and to do this, you must ‘embody’ these qualities and through the expression of ‘righteous anger,’ you allow for the release and self-forgiveness of these energies through the breath. Could you please provide further guidance on this postulate and why it is that those who appear to be spiritually awakened continue to suffer from illness even though they fully understand the cause and the effect?
Teacher Ophelius: “Dear One, there is much truth in this concept yet ‘righteous anger’ is not the only catalyst for the release of these negative energetic fields. You see, Dear One, you humans are far more powerful than you believe yourselves to be — you are co-creators by design and your beliefs (the story you tell yourself) are the embodiment of who you are at present. The physical manifestation of these beliefs becomes the outward appearance — the body in sympathy (health/disease). Mr. Martinez suggests replacing a negative belief (forms of fear) with a positive antithesis and by doing so the field that creates the disease shall transform into a field of vitality, but to do this, you must believe it — tell yourself a new story.
“To activate a new belief, you must embody that belief, and to do this there needs to be ‘action.’ Expression is a form of action and so this ‘righteous anger’ would be one way to catalyze the gesture needed to put the belief into action — it becomes a ‘statement of intention’ which becomes the ‘clarion call’ for the healing to begin. However, merely stating the intention becomes hollow until action takes place. You may look like a duck, and quack like a duck, but until you walk like a duck, you are not a duck. Righteous anger, in this case, puts an exclamation point on the intention — it imprints more deeply in the sub-conscious — ‘I believe the new story because I can no longer accept or allow the belief in the old story which creates my suffering!’
“Someone who appears to have awakened spiritually can be aware of the ‘story,’ make statements of intention — may read widely on the subject and even teach it to others, but until it is set in motion through action, which becomes your new experience, you may not wholly believe it. If you are to replace Shame, Betrayal, and Abandonment with Honor, Loyalty, and Commitment you must go and do those things and ‘feel’ what it is like to experience them. Only then can you re-program your beliefs which transform the energetic fields that become you.
“This ‘re-programming’ of your beliefs is a process — it is not something you do by flipping a switch, yet some people do this very quickly using a strong will to execute these ideas, while others may take a long period of cautious testing via cause and effect to get the story to sink in deep enough to begin to believe it. Beliefs are often ‘entrained’ in the brain — the neuro pathways are well oiled and so only exceptional experiences can dislodge them from the well-worn ruts. Expressing and receiving love, mercy, and compassion (cause and effect) are what creates an exceptional experience because they are more real than those negative (fearful) beliefs which in many cases are exaggerated by a wounded heart. To change your beliefs you certainly must step outside your comfort zone and ‘try it before you buy it.’
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Midwayer Leader Beatrice (ABC-3)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 50
Illawarra District, Australia, September 29, 2011.
Midwayer Leader Beatrice (ABC-3).
Subject: "A Coma Patient and Purgatory."
Received by George Barnard.
Beatrice: "I say come on, George. If you drift any further you will be fast asleep. Let us get started. As they say in the Tennessee hills and probably in many other places, 'You mentioned my name, so here I am, and now you will just have to put up with me.' This is Midwayer Leader Beatrice. It is a pleasure to actually be with you, whilst on most occasions I don't have much to say -- no message for you. I do visit here often and I enjoy being with you and in a silent kind of way I partake in the conversation (Beatrice often uses subliminal input as she is not officially part of the 11:11 Group).
We are talking this evening about a coma patient - a sad happening for a young family, and one of those accidents that can devastate so many. I shall try to answer, as well as I can, the questions that have been put to you. Your world is at a great disadvantage, because amongst your medical people there are very few who would have the ability to decide whether for a coma patient the Thought Adjuster is resting nearby, still available, or whether this Adjuster has gone and is basically awaiting the organization of the Morontia body of the particular patient capable of 'letting go of' his or her physical self.
"Such a situation is often a hold-up, but less so on advanced worlds where accidents happen regularly, as well. Would that amongst your people there would be those who can easily determine whether the Adjuster is still present or not, it would become an easier matter for you to revive a coma patient with frequent stimulation, or if nothing further were to be done, to simply turn off all life support. It is not for me to say here that this particular patient should have her life support system turned off, oh no! Indeed, we do not interfere in your world efforts, your worldly progress, or lack thereof, unless clearly directed.
"However, only in part related to this talk, I want to explain to you, and make it clear, that for worlds such as yours, where there is no visible being from Paradise, where there is no spiritual world government, less is asked of you. And it is normal for by far the greater percentage of souls from this world, almost without exception, to be sent to Mansonia One. Much less is asked of you except perhaps that you may vaguely feel that there is another life to come after life on this earth.
"Compared to those from other worlds, allowed to freely intermingle with the many different human races that find themselves on Mansonia, you become more or less isolated on Mansonia One. Only slowly on will you be introduced to others that do not resemble you as well as do your own varied races. For you on Mansonia One there is much to learn, much to get used to, many strange habits to be purged, and much time is taken in achieving this. Indeed, your purgatory will hardly have you float on a sea of flames as some misguided fellows do teach.
"This is Midwayer Leader Beatrice. I do so dislike the title 'Chief' - so definitively masculine -- saying, it is good to see you again, good to be with you, and I leave you my love. I am leaving you now. Good evening."
George: "Thank you dear Beatrice."
Note: Our dear friend, Midwayer Beatrice (ABC-3), is the older sister of Chief Bzutu (ABC-22) and the Master Teacher and Guide of the sage, Dante Alighieri of Divine Comedy fame.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuste
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 70
Alabama, US of A, May 27, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “True Spiritual Self.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “In the life of human beings, truth can only be learned through experience. Any truth that has not been ‘lived’ is merely theoretical knowledge for a person. Only when one has personally felt the importance of something do values acquire meaning. This is why it is so important in human life to maintain an open mind and always have the attitude of a student, for life is the inexhaustible source of experiences that progressively illuminates the emerging spirit of human beings.
The classic example of the value of experience is the progressive understanding of love. A human being will never be able to comprehend the love of the Father if they have not first loved another being during their life. This understanding of love will be progressively illuminated depending on each person's willingness to learn and give their best. A child first discovers love for their parents. Later, when they reach the appropriate age, they may find in romantic love an additional dimension that illuminates their idea of love. Later, when becoming the father or mother of another human being, their understanding of love acquires an even deeper level of meaning, drawing them closer to the love that God the Father feels for all His creatures. The achievement of this knowledge is only possible through life experience and requires natural time to develop. Wise men and women learn very early the value of ‘giving time to time’ when it comes to learning in life.
There is no magical technique that can accelerate the process of understanding eternal truths; only experience grants spiritual wisdom. It is not possible to speed up this process, but it can be made much easier depending on your desire to live according to the Father's will, which is nothing more than learning the lessons that life offers us — the life He has given us to become increasingly perfect and complete beings. If you learn to consider and live your life in this way — as a path to receiving increasingly complete revelations of spiritual truths while acquiring wisdom and progressively perfecting yourself — life becomes an adventure, a journey of exploration where there are unexplored wonders around every corner, available only to those who have developed the necessary curiosity to pay attention and enjoy them.
The best part is that a stimulating life, full of real and lasting satisfactions, can be lived anywhere. A ‘well-lived’ life does not depend on external circumstances, personal or material resources, the time period, culture, or the level of civilization. Living a life full of learning moments that promote healthy spiritual progress depends solely on each individual. It is the human desire to know the Father, to understand His reality and the creation in which we dwell, that opens the doors to receiving God's blessings, which have always been available to all men and women who embark on the adventure of achieving perfection. Truly, there is no more important task nor more glorious endeavor than that of a human being who seeks and eventually manifests their true spiritual self.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.