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- Written by: Machiventa Melchizedek
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 22
Illawarra District, Australia, February 4, 2015.
Machiventa Melchizedek.
Subject: “There Will Be Continuity.”
Received by George Barnard.
Machiventa: “My greetings to you all. It is always an honor to be allowed to speak and to so many at the one time. It does my heart good to be in a place where I feel the dangers to our Correcting Time efforts to be absent, totally absent. Do not belittle the tasks of the Teaching Mission, human and celestial, this new Evolving Souls Community, or the 11:11 Progress Group when viewed next to the enormous gift that is the Urantia Book. The book is your text, its concise message is what all mankind needs, your spiritual involvements are the vibrant life it promotes.
“Do not doubt that those of strict religions and those that see reincarnation as their future will be your co-travellers on the narrow path to Jerusem and beyond. However, your numbers are now great enough to ensure that both the text, the teaching and (human) dictation and transcription will go on, no matter the potential crises man is eager to inflict upon himself. There will be continuity. Your labor of love to spread the words and meaning of the 5ER will ensure its teachings are to stay. The spark caused the flame and now the fire is burning.
“For those who are so interested: All major religions of today are but the foundations upon which the building blocks of future revelation and human logic authenticated by us will be placed. There is so much more to come and not just here. The wisdom and knowledge of the universes, the love and dedication of all God’s species, and the embrace of the Father of all creation will be yours, I promise.
“Thank you for being my students and co-workers. This receiver is now exhausted. I am Machiventa Melchizedek, parting with you now, but leaving you my love.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 33
Asheville, NC, US of A, April 22, 2018.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “Don’t Throw Out the Baby with the Bath Water.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “Dear Students on the Path, I would like to address some concerns this one and some others have about the continuity of this “Co-creative Teaching Alliance (CTA)” we have between mansion world teachers and human receivers during this Correcting Time. It may seem to you that we have talked exhaustively about a great many topics and ideas designed to help you develop a relationship with divinity and how to expand your minds and grow weightier souls, and so we have. Most of the messages given are ‘timeless’ and can be helpful in any age and with any culture — being human is the only prerequisite.
“Let me make clear that this CTA is not what you may know as the ‘Teaching Mission.’ That was a ‘pilot program’ of discovery for both the celestial realms and for humans living on a world emerging from the isolation of rebellion. From that program we learned a great many things about how to engage you, and we continue to learn from you. We have seen tremendous growth in some of you, and many of you have ‘stepped up’ and taken on the co-creative work of correction during these tumultuous times. This is and continues to be our intention — that through this alliance we shall sustain the influx of information, knowledge, and techniques for developing individuals that shall, at some point, take these lessons and apply them in their personal lives. From this same group we see that some will begin teaching the ideas in these lessons to a greater multitude — through books, conferences, and programs.
“It is also intended that the CTA will bridge the gap between the dispensations and which shall eventually lead to contact with the Trinity Teacher Sons. As a world begins its ascent to the age of Light and Life, the influx of information and contact between the realms will increase — not decrease. I admonish you not to crystallize in your mind how this will happen — we have contact with humans all over your world and use whatever techniques work best to engage them, which is always changing because each generation will bring with it new potentials for engagement.
“It is also important that we maintain a flow of new information on how to ‘adjust’ to new energies as Urantia adjusts to Her Supreme transformation which affects human consciousness. Even now, the energetic changes are affecting the way your Thought Adjusters work in your minds. Be mindful that whatever changes are necessary to bring your world to Light and Life can only come about co-creatively — you must participate in it and so we shall always be at the ready to support you. To sustain and grow this effort, we need more individuals to make their selves available to us.
“As much as the lessons teach how to grow weightier souls, they also teach how to prepare for contact with us and we admonish you all to review these lessons and take up the cause for your world — to participate in the Great Plan in this life, which in and of itself, positions you for even greater service as you ascend the mansion worlds and beyond — the ripples grow into great waves.
“The CTA works with all levels of need and serves to feed the intellectual palates of a diverse population. For some, the lessons may seem repetitive and like baby food, and to others it may be difficult to understand — yet as diverse as you all are, there is something for everyone there. There is a saying on your world, ‘Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water.’ Take from it those things that ring true for you where you are on your spiritual journey.
“I hope to have more of these ‘check-in’ messages as the spiritual landscape changes.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Receiver’s note: The mnemonic “CTA” was given to emphasize that both humans and celestials are teachers in this time of correction — that we rely on each other to bring about the changes necessary to fulfill the Will of the Creator. They provide the food, and together with our Father Fragments, we digest it and break it down and use it for the energy needed to sustain our world spiritually and materially.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 42
Alabama, US of A, June 24, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Great Freedom.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “With the progressive awakening of the spirit, the human being comes to understand the great freedom given to them in determining what they will do with their life, with their time in this world. This freedom is so immense that it does not even prevent a person from choosing their death, even when life itself is a gift from the Father. You have complete independence in deciding your destiny, and your decisions will determine the kind of being you will become. If you choose the goal of perfection and achieve likeness to God, this will be the exclusive result of your personal decisions—of your choice to work with your Adjuster in creating a new, perfect, and luminous being for the glory of the Father and eternal service to all creation.
At this very moment, regardless of the situation you find yourself in on this planet, you can begin working toward this glorious goal of perfection. The mind is the builder, and it is there that you can create your own reality. You can live in a world of confusion or you can bring light and life to your reality. What happens out there does not have to determine what happens within you. It is here that enlightened human beings discover true freedom—the complete independence to choose their reality, their way of expressing themselves to the world.
Jesus lived on this same planet two thousand years ago and he lived in your world as human beings live in the most advanced ages of evolutionary planets. His life is truly an example of how humans live on worlds established in light and life. Through his decisions and actions, Jesus freed himself from the limitations of his environment and origins to achieve an elevated level of spiritual development—the highest possible level that any human being can achieve on any material world.
You too have that opportunity. Study the life of the Master and observe how many aspects can be applied to your own life. Do not seek a literal interpretation of his conduct. Instead, notice the fluidity of Jesus' thought and his ease of adaptation to his surroundings—the grace that allowed him to live in the world as an ordinary human being while daily doing the will of his Father in heaven—a man who lived as God. Rejoice in knowing that right where you are, with the resources you already have, you can live a life aspiring to resemble the life of the Master. You can achieve a level of spiritual progress that satisfies the deepest longings of your immortal soul, establishing a relationship of love and cooperation with your Creator Father through His presence within you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 53
Urantia, September 11, 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “The Goal of the Ages.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “To separate the end from the beginning requires an understanding that can only be acquired by a full life experience. Without much experience, such is impossible for a mortal to achieve.
A tiny ant does not know where the elephant is headed as it swings along on its long legs. Likewise, you, too, cannot know where you are headed, although you might have a concept of the eventual destination. There exists not one human, who does not entertain some thoughts about the hereafter.
A popular notion is that you will be sitting on a cloud and be entertained by an angel playing a harp. This, of course, is totally erroneous and in the very least would be boring. Your text, the Urantia Book, explains some of this, when after your resurrection in the halls of Mansonia number one, you are re-united with your Indweller. This reunion happens after your longer or shorter sleep of physical death, while your soul-self has been kept safe by your guardian angel.
It is on Mansonia where your morontia stage of existence in eternal life begins as you gradually remember all the worthwhile happenings of your earth-life, whilst the dross is left behind.
The next stage is a further refining of your character. You will receive a greater mindal capacity for understanding and the more you lend yourself to the receptions of instructions the sooner you will grow in stature.
I need to tell you that during the next stage of existence, you will carry on precisely where you left off with your mortal mindal capacities. It is extremely important that you do not diminish these capacities with chemical addictions, although any mental aberrations will have been left behind.
You will progress further, from stage to stage, inward and upward in the cycle of eternity, growing and perfecting in the long journey to Paradise, until one day in the far distant future, you will, as a perfected being, stand in the presence of the Perfect Creator.
This is the goal of the ages for evolutionary beings such as you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
- Details
- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 50
Oregon, USA, January 3, 2023.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Manifest!”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “Imagine, imagine, and imagine some more! It is how the Father unceasingly manifests diversity and expands upon it — one magnificent act of creation after the other. His imagination is boundless. If it had any boundaries, he would instantly imagine them away.
He imagined you after making all the necessary arrangements for your sustainability — earth, water, fire, air, ether, body, mind, and spirit. He infuses his essence in all his works of art turning them into works of heart.
At the beginning of each new day, go in the stillness to imagine, as he does, the harmonious flow of moment after moment in which you shape your reality. Do you mold it alone or do you invite Me, the Father’s Ambassador in you, to partake in your day? Remember that you are nothing without the life force coursing through you, sustained by each breath you take tapping into the cosmic breath.
By intentionally connecting to Me, each inhalation and exhalation can be consecrated to the highest good, sanctifying all of you. Practice living with such an elevated consciousness and you will make great strides in living in gratitude and leading a meaningful life. Infusing meaningful intention in your breaths allows Me to fill your sail with My friendly directional wind.
“Prayer is an expression of the finite mind to approach the Infinite. The making of a prayer must, therefore, be limited by the knowledge, wisdom, and attributes of the finite; likewise, must the answer be conditioned by the vision, aims, ideals, and prerogatives of the Infinite. There never can be observed an unbroken continuity of material phenomena between the making of a prayer and the reception of the full spiritual answer thereto.” [UB, 168:4.4]
Because humans are finite beings operating within the set parameters of time and space, their prayers are very tentative and clumsy. They are often prompted by unrealistic expectations and, due to their foolish nature, the forthcoming answer will likely be very surprising in its manifestation.
Prayers are addressed to the all-wise and all-knowing Infinite. The quality of his thinking and feeling is absolute and never will he alter the cosmic harmonics to bend his will to the whims of his immature creatures in need of enlightenment. In fact, in human hindsight, divinely answered prayers meter out parental wisdom and guidance.
Prayers are always answered. Yours is to figure out how — one of the side benefits of answered prayers. Their answers are foremost of a spiritual nature, always love-infused, even though it may appear to be tough love.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.