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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 268
Urantia, January 26, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Interconnected.”
Message by Lytske.
The Beloved: “Let us continue our intimacy together, which you have so desired from the first moment you started writing letters to God. It is in these moments of solitude that peace is beginning to saturate all the cells in your body-mind, so a greater equilibrium takes place which ever so gently suffuses you with more patience towards yourself and significant others in your immediate surroundings.
This is the peace beyond understanding. As you well know even in the best of times, you are not always peaceful especially when confronted with upheavals in the world which can sorely afflict you, because of unrighteousness running rampant on the planet. You are somewhat reluctant to type these words you hear, but child, there is a reason for this, because you need to become unflappable even in the face of the rankest injustice.
There are many things happening in the world at large, which have not by any stretch of the imagination arrived at a stable balance due to the after-effects of the outworking of the Lucifer rebellion, and even though the perpetrators are no more, having received their just reward, there remain the consequences of those actions set in motion so very long ago. This will take some time to be corrected, so peace can become a habit and not something to be sought after.
Peace needs to become a way of life before the planet's equilibrium is restored and completed. The purpose of evolution, which is creation in time and space, is to move everything towards Light and Life. Not only are you born to eventually become perfect, but also all the planets in space, albeit belonging to a different category in the Creator's mind, shall also move towards perfection.
This massive undertaking is the adventure of the ages. Evolutionary creation could be seen as God's playground. He so very lovingly and patiently creates everything from nothingness but imbues everything with potential possibilities, in which each particle shares a minute part in order to become one magnificent whole. You can see how everything is interconnected and how one peaceful person can affect the fabric of life, not only within the self but also benefit all others.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 238
Oregon, June 19, 2020.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “About Emotional Toxicity.”
Message received by Anyas.
“Belief may not be able to resist doubt and withstand fear, but faith is always triumphant over doubting, for faith is both positive and living.” [UB 102:6.7]
Thought Adjuster: “Way too often, human beings adopt lifelong belief systems, patched together from the mixed media of generational hand-me-downs and social interferences that start at the family unit level. Some of you are more adept than others at sifting through such input in a quest for the ‘good stuff’ — practical and enlightening. Ask yourself whether the tapestry of your beliefs is embroidered with the solid threads of enduring moral values dipped in the vibrant undertones of empathy, compassion, and love for humanity.
All negative emotions are foreign to the Father’s heart and highly toxic to yours. When unsettled by their malignant takeovers, find their points of origin to take swift countermeasures, preventing them from polluting your inner world.
Doubt and fears are debilitating. Any belief system that, explicitly and shamelessly, incorporates the coercive elements of shame, guilt, and fear to control you, is in dire need of reformation, as it exerts undue pressure on your free-will prerogative.
By bravely stepping out in faith in your times of insecurities, you disperse the mental fogginess induced by these emotional downers, regaining mental clarity, and a surer inner footing. Faith and hope are fear’s potent antidotes, inoculating you with emergency booster shots that release the painful grip of these emotional low-lives. Faith reminds you of your high calling and extracts you from the claustrophobia-inducing underworld of darkness to lift you toward the bright emanations of Spirit.
Monitor the overall quality of the emotions that populate your inner world. Kick out the bottom-feeders to make room for more becoming feelings — a free-will choice on your part, adamantly contested by emotional anarchists whose livelihood depends on your co-dependence. Only a fool would choose to remain under their evil spell.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
New Release:
“Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living” Volume 3
is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle version
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 232
Michigan, US of A, January 12, 2014.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Prepare your Mind for Expansion by Unclogging the Bottleneck.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is about preparing your mind for consciousness expansion. Preparation is a necessary first step toward raising your spiritual vibration and it is something you can do now as earth-bound universe citizens rather than waiting until you arrive on the first Mansion world where you will have to be detained and healed of all your dysfunctions and erroneous beliefs before you can continue on into higher worlds of light. Your life here and hereafter will be much more productive, satisfying, and joyful – filled with Truth, Beauty, and Goodness when you clear the mind of those things that distort the light and cast shadows on your future.
“You can think about consciousness like a series of spherical containers that are connected by a bottleneck similar to a vase which has a slender tube that expands into a larger volume. As we view consciousness in time, we see a small vase (the one you currently use) connected to a yet larger vase, which is again connected to a larger vase and so on into eternity – each vase becoming a larger container as you progress and ascend the grand universe. The vases are getting larger as time goes by because your consciousness is expanding and you are becoming more god-like which requires a greater awareness of universe realities and an intellect that can more easily understand the Will of the Creator.
“It is this slender part of the vase which we would like to focus on because this is the bottleneck where sediments collect, which prevents the mind from accessing the larger volume of the small vase that you have available to you in this life. Not only is it possible for you to transcend the bottleneck and enter this first expanded area of consciousness, here and now, but you can also enter into the slender tube of the succeeding vase that would be accessed on the first mansion world. What we are referring to is accessing the soul-mind which is available to all mortals on the evolutionary worlds, yet is attained by so few.
“These sediments which block the tube are the dysfunctions of mind – the selfishness of egocentric thought; the need to be right; erroneous belief systems and fallacies of reality that are learned through family life, and through societal and religious memes. These are the limiting factors that prevent the expansion of mind and they are often times very difficult to dislodge. Unfortunately many minds have to experience great suffering before they ‘let go’ of these limiting beliefs that prevent them from moving forward.
“You students on the path can prepare your minds for expansion by unclogging the bottleneck. Examine your personal beliefs and the conditions to which you have been subjected in your upbringing. Look to role models of those who have expanded their minds and investigate the path which led them to higher consciousness. Remain open to new ideas and always view life as a continuum that transcends this material life and goes on into eternity and the adventure that lies ahead of you. Always work to remove those things that limit your thinking and you will find you will flow through the slender neck of the vase into the larger places that are filled with Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.”
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” - Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 255
Illawarra District, Australia, July 20, 2015.
The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “The Anatomy of the Two Reserve Corps.”
Message received by George Barnard.
The Scribe: “Before we get into the answers to the (self-evident) questions posed, I want first to relate to you that the Thought Adjuster of your (potential) future fusion was long known to me for both human and superior creature failures and thereby for extreme experiences. Whilst this Adjuster has a generic name among the ‘bird tribes,’ to me he is a special friend of countless, countless centuries.
“Moreover, I want you to see my position as a Fragment of our Father Creator gifted with a unique personality by our Father Creator. To clearly analyze and determine the reality of my being, I am of God, therefore I am God and therefore rather than my addressing you as my friend — which you also truly are — I see you as my son and in our dealings here and beyond this sphere, I will address you as such.
“My son, the questions that once more have been posed deal with the Reserve Corps of Destiny and the Cosmic Reserve Corps of Universe Conscious Citizens and what might be the difference between the two. In the Creator Father’s eyes there is no difference as all His children are equally loved and He will foreknow that all helpers of planetary progress and stability will in the distant future stand before Him.
“They are equal, all of them; yet in the way they come about there is a difference and it mostly relates to the Adjuster involved. The Adjusters of those human helpers will at some juncture decide to belong to a Reserve Corps of Destiny to indwell their future betrothed in the knowledge that there is a potential for them to be involved for a time, but they may not know what experiences such will bring.
“Those human helpers, who are counted together with their fully versed Adjusters among the Cosmic Reserve Corps of Universe Conscious Citizens, are predetermined and foreknown to be involved in progressing or stabilizing the spiritual sphere within the mosaic of their time and their society. Many of their experiences come about as if hardwired into their determined minds.
“All in all these are the main differences for most helpers belonging to either corps, but I note to the inquirer that so very little difference exists as to make both groups members of a specially educated whole. Even so, the experiences of each vary considerably and the records of these happenings are what you take with you to Paradise and only then officially pass on to your Creator.
“They are the Father’s experiences through you and they are your experiences by the Father’s fiat. Make them as memorable as you can for on this earth there exists the greatest opportunity to, for all time, determine your standing in the morontia spheres and the spiritual realm thereafter.
This is the Damascus Scribe leaving you all my love and remaining available to you merely at your beck and call.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
- Details
- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 322
Urantia, January 22, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “According to Your Belief.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “These little letters I inscribe upon your heart to hear in your mind are not self-delusional. Neither is there self-hypnosis at work. These are very simple, very clear and concise communications which help you to cope in your day-to-day life. The simpler the message, the greater the meaning behind those little notes. These are not only meant to be transcribed but also to be read by you and every hungry soul, looking for some guidance, especially when grappling with baffling problems pertaining to the growth of the soul.
It is becoming a realization to you that going to church is not necessarily nourishing for your soul and oftentimes you have been left wanting for some real soul food. It is well and good that you have the best available material source right at your fingertips in the form of the latest revelation coming onto the planet in the form of the Urantia Book. This richest of all sources of information is at any time accessible to you when you have those baffling questions.
Through this most valuable information contained in this Urantia Book, you have learned and ascertained for yourself, that you have a Spark from God living within you. There is also that sentence in the Book, that very seldom you can hear this Still Soft Voice within you, and make actual contact with your own voice. I desire to counteract this sentence in so far, that yes, I am accessible in your Stillness and meditative prayer-time. If God is accessible to all His creatures, should not I also be able to have that same capacity since I am part of God?
Dear vessel of My indwelling, you are the only one who knows from your personal experience that this is entirely possible. Furthermore, you know also that you have at any time access to your spiritual Parents, the Co-Rulers of the universe in which your tiny orb is located. Their names have become familiar to you because first of all through the Son of God and Son of man, Jesus, who is none other than Michael, your Father, Brother, and Friend, as well as Nebadonia, His Consort and Co-Ruler as your Mother, Sister and Friend.
We three function as your private and individual trinity and work as one spirit within you. There is total cooperation between us and it matters not to whom you address your concerns and supplications. We are the Created Offspring from the Eternal Trinity and are here to indwell and up-step the human races in their evolutionary development. You can come to either of us at any time during your days or nights. We never sleep and are always cognizant of the needs of our myriad of children. All you must do is ask and believe, for according to your belief it is done unto you. Engrave this saying upon your heart, soul, and mind.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.