Urantia, December 30, 2019.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Spirit-led Life.”

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: Open still more the chamber of your heart, for you to be able to sense me. Because of not knowing what to expect, and yet having the urge and the courage to delve into unexplored territory within yourself, you need to give me more of your mind. In this fashion I can make myself more clearly understood about what it is that I need from you.

Yes, I the God of your being, also has needs and desires. I need to be listened to, without your thoughts intruding, for that is the only way that you can hear my Voice, unhindered by your thoughts of petty matters.

If you decide on a God-guided life, then it is important that you place my thoughts before yours. Is that difficult, you think? Not really. It is as simple as dedicating your will, that is already in place with the training to teach you this. May I remind you that you always pray ‘May God’s will be done in all ways, always’. This is already a step ahead of the rote prayer: ‘God's will be done’. For now, you have actively engaged your trust that God’s will, will be done.

You have handed matters over to me, so I can handle things the way in which they are best accomplished, and by the quickest method for me to teach you my ways. After each new lesson mastered, there are still more lessons waiting for you. You have such an incredible unknown potential, and by coming to me on a regular basis, I can intuit more to you.

There is so much to impart, but I cannot teach you as long as you remain in kindergarten. We are nearing a time of graduation of sorts, so you can advance to the next level of training, during which a greater service is expected of you, to the glory of the eternal God. When you fully dedicate yourself to me, great things will happen, and seeming wonders shall unfold. Be at all times mindful of your willingness towards me, to become more pronounced in your life.

A spirit-led life, your life will be.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.

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