Alabama, US of A, April 24, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Important Endeavors”

Message received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “As a world approaches the age of light and life, life on that world becomes increasingly more real. Material life is indeed the shadow of morontial life; however, human beings create their own reality through their desires, decisions, and expectations. Life as it is currently lived on Urantia is full of falsehoods. The vast majority of the population occupies their time in endeavors that have no eternal value and strive to achieve goals that vanish with physical death.

For this majority of unreflective beings, life is like a diffuse dream that will fade away upon awakening to higher levels of existence. The secret to living a life that serves as a foundation for the eternal career toward perfection is the creation of spiritual values during this mortal life. While each human must live in the world and do what is necessary to ensure the preservation of mortal life, there are still ample opportunities to work for those things you can take with you after death, such as your spiritual progress, the degree to which you have come to know your Father in heaven and live His will, and the spiritual fruits you have manifested in your life.

These things are among what could be called ‘the important endeavors of life.’ These important things do not depend on any external circumstance, time, or space. These things only depend on your individual decisions; therefore, they are never out of your reach, and no one can take away the opportunity to work for these achievements of eternal value. If you learn to focus on the truly important things in your life, you will indeed live a successful life, full of satisfaction and joy, regardless of what happens around you.

Make your life increasingly true. Today take care of your fundamental task in this world, which is nothing more than learning to manifest the Father’s will through your own will. This is the supreme joy of human life, as it represents the sure transition of a soul towards perfection when the mortal creature will become an agent of the Father, working just as God Himself would for the benefit of the entire universe.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.