Alabama, US of A, May 27, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Loving their Neighbors.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “A human being can know if they have truly succeeded in loving their neighbors when the most beautiful and elevated things they desire for themselves, they sincerely wish for others as well. Kindness, then, is the result of the actions of these loving individuals who strive to ensure that others enjoy the things they enjoy.
This idea removes all confusion about love for others. A love that is based on a hidden desire for recognition and rewards—those who give so that others see how generous they are—does not meet the definition expressed in the previous paragraph. A person who offers food and goods to keep recipients in a state of dependency is not loving according to this definition. Likewise, a person who enjoys sin and wants others to do the same does not meet this definition, as only the most beautiful and elevated things are worth wishing for others.
The love promoted by this definition is free from pretense, from external displays of affection that add no value, free from possessiveness and expectations, filled with wisdom, and fostering intelligent actions that result in the greater good—what is good for all of creation. The service of those who love in this way may not be understood by those who are less spiritual, but the actions and, above all, the intentions of human beings enlightened by this definition of love are always sincere and dynamic, adaptable to every situation, with a refreshing originality.
To others, it may seem that these individuals are not consistent in their actions, but one who has been enlightened by a more complete understanding of love will know when to help and when to step back, when to offer words of comfort and when to shake others out of paralyzing inertia, when to lead those who need guidance and when to leave alone those who must learn to follow their own path. Love is always dynamic, like fresh water that can fill every void into which it flows, simply by its fluid and unrestricted nature.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.