Alabama, US of A, June 23, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Leaders and Followers.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Do not be deceived by your apparent lack of power to influence world affairs. It is not the great leaders who will change the world. It is each one of you and your personal decisions in favor of the Father's will. Even if Jesus were to descend from heaven today, how many would follow Him? How many of the materially powerful would set aside their ambition and illusions of control to follow Him? The physical presence of Jesus in the world would not contribute in any way to improving it.
However, those who sincerely seek the truth would find in Jesus a friend, a teacher, and the source to satisfy all their spiritual longings. And this is something each of you can already do by seeking in the silence of your heart the truth that your soul desires. It is possible that some among you may become the great leaders and thinkers who promote the beautiful and significant changes your world needs. But what use is a leader if no one follows them? What influence can an individual have on the destiny of this world if no one listens? By sincerely considering these questions, you can clearly answer the following: who is more important, the leader or those who follow? Who are the ones that will bring about the changes? Better yet, what value does the message of a leader hold, no matter how beautiful and elevated it may be, if no one can understand or apply it?
If you prepare your soul and mind to grasp higher truths, will the spiritual progress you experience in your life be the achievement of a leader or your personal achievement? Jesus brought words of truth filled with love, hope, and power, but only those who made the effort to incorporate these truths into their lives benefited from His words. Jesus did not save anyone; each person saved themselves through their own decisions, and even today, this is still the case.
The best thing each of you can do for this world is to work on your spiritual progress, maintain the drive to become more like your Father each day—more perfect—and thus refine your ability to hear when a new teacher of truth is sent to this world. Such a teacher will offer seeds of new and superior truths that will fall on fertile ground and produce the desired fruits.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.