Alabama, US of A, June 25, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Imagining the Hereafter.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “In this world life is a foundation and learning to live in the next world, on the next level of existence. This is true for every level a human being traverses on their journey to Paradise. Here, in the material world, the preparation begins for a creature to function effectively on the next level.
For human beings, it is very useful to imagine a bit of what is expected of them in the worlds to come. This could help them better establish plans for their life and more effectively focus their efforts on spiritual progress. Let us consider for a moment what life is like in the mansion worlds.
In the mansion worlds, people do not work to earn a living, obtain material rewards, or receive recognition from their peers. Work there is a means of expressing the best of oneself, a resource used to manifest the Father's will through individual and cooperative efforts. Work in morontia is an effort to make reality increasingly resemble what the Father's infinite wisdom has intended to project on that level of existence.
At the next level, no human being lives for themselves. All personalities fulfill a function and have a purpose. Everything that is done is to manifest the greater good for all beings of creation. There, you progress through your efforts and your ability to work with others, learning to align your desires with the Creators' plans. In this way, you discover an additional dimension of living the Father's will, becoming an active participant in His plans for the evolution of the universe, while you grow spiritually through your efforts.
In the mansion worlds, the value of a person is not estimated by what they do, the importance of their position, or the number of subordinates under their charge. The value of all life has been clearly established by the unconditional love that the Universal Father offers to all His creatures. In morontia, what a person is—how close they have come to living the divine will, the degree to which they have mastered the technique of loving their fellows as the Father Himself loves—is more important. Yet, what truly stimulates spiritual progress and advancement toward perfection is what each person desires to be—the longing to become increasingly like God.
This is just a glimpse of the life you will live in the worlds to come, but it offers a clear perspective on the things you can begin learning now, here in this world. This morontia life that has been described can be lived starting now in this material world, better preparing yourself for the next level of your existence and becoming more useful to the entire creation.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.