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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2444
Urantia, June 02, 2017.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Lesson on Seeking and Finding.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Today’s subject is on seeking and finding. To most humans seeking and finding spiritual peace is a paradox. It seems that this is the most sought after and yet the most difficult to obtain. For those who persist in this search, the results are most rewarding. Sometimes the attainment of this peace happens at a time of crisis, at other times it is found slowly over time, but the results are always assured. The seeking and finding of true inner peace is an ongoing quest in the human soul. It is an inborn indefinable hunger that drives humankind forward to find the Universal Creator of Perfection.
“And so the quest for perfection begins, this has often been equated with worthiness but that is not so. God is no respecter of persons, He accepts each alike. Man or woman, rich or poor, saint or sinner, all are equal in His eyes, neither are races, creeds, color or sex a deciding factor, All are welcome at the ‘Master’s table.’ The only thing that determines the speed of spiritual development is the drive and search for inner peace.
“Those who do attain this inner peace lose all fear of dying, for they have found something in their selves which is eternally alive, and that is the ever so precious God-connection residing in the Thought Adjuster which was always there. When the human persists in plugging in, a deep realization will dawn that it is at-one-ment with the Creator. The mortal will realize instantly that race, creed or color do not matter, only the connection with the All That Is matters. It then becomes consumed with interest to find out more about that divine connection, so more time is being spent in the Stillness of the heart.
“Even Jesus often went away by Himself to commune with the Father in heaven and to keep that connection alive. He advised His followers to go apart, each by their selves, to pray and speak with their own God-Fragment within. It is in the persistent seeking that God is found, as the Kingdom of heaven is found to be within. God is not in hiding and if He seems far away, the question arises: ‘who moved?’
“Things of material import have so largely taken over on this planet, even the so-called institutions of worship have become money oriented; the false god of mammon has moved in and taken over. People’s hearts are overlaid with worries and burdens and therefore they only start seeking within when the going gets too tough. It has come to a critical point in the history of this planet, to strike a more even balance between spirituality and materialism.
“When finally this balance is struck and as more people start activating their God-connection within, they will become more at peace and an overall-greater health shall ensue for them. This will happen when their nervous systems will finally be enabled to stay balanced with the true rest and peace they have found within their selves. They too shall then have realized that they are worthy children of an unconditionally loving Father and not of a harsh judge He has been made out to be.
“Those who seek shall find.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2543
Asheville, NC, US of A, May 28, 2017.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “For Ye are Gods.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my dear friends and students on the path, I have a question for you that I would like for you to ponder with great sincerity, curiosity, and with the deepest of thoughts. Take this question into stillness and let it saturate your mind. Then, let it flow from the mind to the heart, for the heart is the doorway to the soul. Let your imaginations run with it and observe all the avenues and astonishing situations you can imagine. To answer this question with complete sincerity and surety, you shall be entering into a soul contract with your Thought Adjuster — the Divine Fragment of the All Mighty Creator. Upon answering, you shall have made a decision that shall activate the Divine Mystery through which the universe shall begin to make preparations and calculate the reverberations of your decision. This is not an exercise to be taken casually and it certainly is a question you shall want to answer before you leave this world.
“The question is this: Do you want to live forever? This is a seemingly simple question, yet to take this question deep within and follow it down to the core of the idea is something that is not entirely easy for a finite mind to consider. This idea of eternity and infinity — to live without end — to be godlike in that your personality; your mind and memories; shall endure in eternal perpetuity. Please sit with this question, my friends, and think about what that means to you? After careful consideration, answer it and direct that answer to your Thought Adjuster. There are three answers that may be given: ‘YES,’ ‘NO,’ and ‘I Don’t Know.’ Following this answer, please qualify it by explaining why you chose this answer. Have you given it enough consideration? Your Indwelling Spirit is patient and has waited for your entire life and has led you to this moment of decision.
“Thus far in your life, you have been in silent partnership with the Creator of all things. The Creator indwells you through the agency of His Divine Fragment, for which he escapes the fetters of infinity and experiences the creation of the universes of time through your eyes and from your unique perspective. You are already participating in the ‘trial run’ of your eternal career, yet you are given a choice whether or not to continue this partnership, for the Creator does not impose His Will on any soul. He wants to show you the astonishing wonders of the universe — the many worlds, realms, and systems of Creation, for this loving Creator desires that you continue your journey and share those experience with Him. He delights in those astonishing moments of wonder and joy — all those ‘ah-ha’ experiences you have along the way as He reveals another mystery to your growing and perfecting mind.
“Are you up to the challenge of an eternal life, my friends? Can you even imagine what it is like to ‘be’ and never pass out of existence? Do you not realize that the potential to fuse with this Fragment of the Creator has been given to you and that all you need to do to acquire it is to accept it by your own free will? Nobody can take this from you — it is a free gift with no strings attached. You only have to accept that this is a shared journey — for you are never alone. Your passing from this world into the hereafter need only be a transition and not an ending. With your consent, you actually become an active participant in creation rather than a bystander watching life happen around you. Your ‘Affirmative’ sets in motion the framework for the epics of your participation in the Great Plan. ‘For Ye are gods!’
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2427
Monterrey, Mexico, June 20, 2017.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Here I AM.”
Message received by Bettina.
Thought Adjuster: “You do not need anything else. You are complete here and now. Immerse yourself in the immensity of My Love and there you will find peace; you do not need anything else. So let it all go, let it flow; allow the water of the river to follow its natural course and reach the ocean all by itself.
“Do not allow the ego to deviate you from the path.
“What are you really looking for? What moves you to do what you do? Always come back to review what really moves you.
“Seek peace, seek love. Seek the light and take it to all the beings you can; make this your only and true goal.
“Everything else will come as the result of love.
“Continue to sow seeds of peace and love in the earthly world. Discover the Paradise that Earth is to those who cannot see. Live this truth. Show them all the greatness of My Love and the beauty of the Universe. Help them to stop for a moment, so they can contemplate beauty, peace and harmony.
“Peace urges in the world, peace urges in the hearts, and calm in the minds.
“Teach them how. Breathe, breathe, breathe. Trust, trust, trust.
“And in every breath, immerse yourself in My Love, immerse yourself in My Peace, immerse yourself in My Joy.
“Here I AM.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
If you stop judging, you will find peace — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2485
Alabama, US of A, October 9, 2012.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Mind and Habits.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “There are many important changes in anyone’s life that can take place in an instant. Just a simple decision can transform the way in which you behave or the way in which you react to the circumstances of your life.
“Your scientists are beginning to notice the power the mind has in dominating behaviors, habits and even that which you call ‘personality.’ You tend to confuse human tendencies and learned behaviors with personality. However personality is the pure and original expression of your being, provided by the Father to all His personal creatures. Personality is that part of you that remains unchanged and survives beyond your material body. Therefore, your personality never changes, but with time and with the help of the will of each creature, it will progressively be more fully revealed.
“The other attributes that are often confused with personality are the attitudes and behaviors learned in this world. The way in which you react to stimuli, the ways in which you relate to your peers, and the habits you develop, are just ‘things’ you have gotten used to and you have promoted by allowing yourself to react without thinking in a specific way and in recurring situations.
“Many among you believe that ‘this is how I am and I will never change.’ Know that within you resides the source to inspire the greatest changes and even the things more deeply embedded in your mind can be left behind just by a simple act of will. Many have been able to overcome addictions to drugs or alcohol even when at the start their physical bodies suffered greatly. These deep and permanent changes can indeed begin in a mere instant.
“Today, if you are struggling with a weakness or a habit that you want to remove from your being, you can do two things: Firstly, ask your Father for help so you can keep alive within you the flame of your desire to be better. Secondly, behave as if you have already overcome the habit that concerns you. Imagine that you don’t need any more ‘that thing’ that moves you apart from your true being and on this day begin to act like a true son or daughter of God.
“The most primitive part of your nervous system always responds to the impulses of the higher brain, and it can’t tell the difference between pretending and feeling. If you imagine that you are in control of your mind and your faculties, you will be in control. Even if you feel that you are only pretending, your body will respond to the commands of your mind as if this were already a fact. It has been shown that some people can even change their hormonal secretions simply by using their imagination. Imagine that right now you are savoring your favorite food and your salivary glands will start to work just as if you have the food in front of you. The mind controls the body and you control the mind.
“And this is just the beginning. There are many abilities to your mind that are not yet used. You have the capacity to heal many of your so-called diseases and afflictions through the control of your mind. This control is nothing esoteric and you don’t need any special training. It is just a form of self-mastery, in which you learn to use your mind to produce only thoughts that are expressions of truth, beauty and goodness. Better yet, you can elevate your entire life to increasing levels of perfection and divinity, when you consecrate the domain of your mind to the guidance of the Divine Presence within you — the Thought Adjuster — thereby becoming more akin to your Father.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe (Sananda)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2612
Illawarra District, Australia, May 26, 2017.
Teacher: The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “Forever.”
Message received by George Barnard.
The Scribe: “Forever is a term that easily enters a human mind and effortlessly darts out from a slippery tongue, but is it easy to comprehend? The jovial terms ‘forever and three more days,’ or ‘forever and a long weekend,’ point at some difficulties in your comprehending the concept ‘Forever.’
“Comparatively, the life span of your 2000- or 3000-year-old Huon pines is no more than the moment it takes to blink your eyes just once and ditto for your ‘timeless’ pyramids that long ago rose from the desert sands. ‘Forever’ is an enormous length of time! I recently explained to you, and to all who wished to hear, that despite this planet having some billions of human citizens living upon her, not one of you truly can know all there is to know about God. Likewise are you unable to fully comprehend ‘Forever.’
“I know what eternity is all about, because I am the Damascus Scribe — a Splinter, a perfect Fragment of the Creator Father, who made space-time come about. And I am here to tell you that your very own, yes, your very personal forever, has a most vital beginning.
“In comparison to all the experience you will acquire in eternity, your ‘few short days’ spent on Urantia will be most important in your life’s careers. Your earth life will ‘set the tone’ for all that comes later, as the Father and all others, who will help determine your eternal careers with you, will eye your earlier earthly honesty and diligence, helpfulness and respect for God and all kin, in their knowing so well that which came before will also surely come later. Yes, they always were your earthly ways that determined your future trusts in co-creation with the Father.
“There is a-nothing-more-common happening on Mansonia One than your hearing the oft-expressed view that ‘if only I had known’ and ‘if only I had listened.’ Life on an evolutionary time-space rock is only a day’s work compared to ‘forever after.’ Do this well and the future lifetime dividends will be generous and eternal.
“Meanwhile count on Me for all the answers you may need. I Am the Damascus Scribe.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.